HC2016 Audio / Video Master List

HC2016 Audio / Video Master List


We had audio issues at the beginning of both days and so did sadly miss a few sessions for those wondering why they aren't linked here (apologies!). Some of the earlier Tuesday sessions linked below have fainter audio from a time prior to getting the sound software boosted. Finally: we have audio only recordings for a bunch of sessions that are linked after the video recordings section.

Video Recordings:

Tuesday, October 4th

Title Presenter Description A/V
State of the Hydrasphere Tom Cramer, Debra Hanken Kurtz This annual report on the Hydra Project will provide a synopsis of the project’s current state from a high level perspective, including recent developments and important trends in adoption and activiity, the technical framework, the community framework, major projects and milestones, and where we may be going in the near future. With so much activity in so many different parts of the project, this session is a chance to take a step back from the many trees to survey the whole forest of the HydraSphere.

Video (Very Low Audio for half of this and then just regular Low Audio - max out volume with headphones to hear)

Interest / Working Groups Part 1 Various Lightning reports from various Hydra Interest / Working Groups. Video
Progress report: Hydra in a Box Hannah Frost, Mike Giarlo An update on recent progress on the Hydra in a Box project, including work related to product development for the repository and metadata aggregation components, development of the hosted service, development and infrastructural decisions, and community engagement. Video
Interest / Working Groups Part 2 Various Lightning reports from various Hydra Interest / Working Groups. Video

Wednesday, October 5th

Title Presenter Description A/V
Jisc RDSS Hydra Connect 2016 slides.pptx Chris Awre An overview of the Jisc Research Data Management Shared Service initiative in the UK, looking to establish a set of infrastructural components that academic institutions can combine to provide an overall RDM solution. Hydra has been shortlisted as one of the repository components that an initial group of pilot institutions can use. Video
Cavendish.pdf Benjamin Armintor Cavendish endeavours to be both an implementation of LDP and a laboratory for elaborating Fedora 4 APIs as extensions of the LDP specification. We are also interested in better understanding how the constituent frameworks of a Fedora 4 implementation influence the way its core model is understood- in this case, building a Fedora on a triplestore. Cavendish is built on BlazeGraph. Video
Making XML Schema Validation more reliable David Cliff When the Library of Congress was recently attacked, we noticed an important part of our workflow ground to a halt - XML schema validation had failed. We've developed a gem that allows for schema mirroring and offline validation/rspec testing, which we hope might be of use to others. Video
Ruby and Rails Resources for New and Not So New Hydra Developers Steven Ng A lightning fast overview of free or cheap, cool and useful Ruby and Rails web sites, blogs, podcasts, videos, and users groups for new and not-so-new Hydra developers. I'll talk fast, but don't worry, I'll post the links on-line before the talk. Video
Handles_Sufia_Integration.pptx Chris Bartos Quick overview of the implementation of Handle System (https://www.handle.net) support into a Curation Concerns / Sufia application. Video
Docker_Hydra_Slides.pptx Corey Hinshaw Hydra applications can interact with a number of backing services (Fedora, Solr, Redis, job runners, etc). Using Docker to run these services locally can potentially simplify the development environment and reduce on-boarding time. Video
Performance Profiling Tools used for HydraNorth Peter Binkley We encountered big performance hurdles with our Sufia6 based application HydraNorth, and this is a quick overview of tools we used to help us monitoring and profiling the performance of our application, and restoring sanity to our team. Video
Fedora OAI Provider Weiwei Shi An overview of the work we did to improve performance on the Fedora OAI provider by adding a MapDB index to ModeShape. The modified version of fcrepo4-oaiprovider has brought the response time for a full ListRecords from 4 minutes down to 25 seconds. Video
I love you Fedora, but it's over Steven Anderson The Boston Public Library has long been a Fedora 3 Commons system and we are heavily invested in that backend. After waiting to see how Fedora 4 Commons develops and with some recent internal debate, our "next gen" repository solution is going in a different direction. This will be a (perhaps) controversial talk as to why and how we came to this conclusion. Video
Fedora 4 Import/Export Esmé Cowles Update on the recent work to implement standards-based import/export functionality for Fedora 4, working on importing and exporting Bags for migrating between Fedora repositories, and backing up to and restoring from preservation services such as APTrust, Archivematica, etc. Video
Plum at Princeton Trey Pendragon An introduction to our workflow ingest tool featuring IIIF manifest generation, structure administration, object re-ordering, and support for multi-volume works. Video
Sufia and CurationConcerns Usage (sharing data from annual survey) Mike Giarlo For the past few years I've been distributing a survey to gauge usage of Sufia (and, this year, CurationConcerns) and to get a sense of what direction the community wants the components to go in. I'd like to report back to you all on what the latest data says, and share a rough roadmap for 2016-2017. Video
IIIF in Hydra Justin Coyne The Hydra-in-a-Box team in conjunction with Princeton has added IIIF image and presentation API support to Hydra. Come see how we're going farther together with open APIs. Video
Hyacinth: One Year Later Eric O'Hanlon Follow-up to last year's presentation about Columbia's Hyacinth editor. Lots of changes / progress since the last presentation. Many TODOs have been TODONE. Hyacinth is a metadata editor, batch Fedora ingest tool and content publishing application that is becoming more and more integrated into our digitization, cataloging and front-end presentation workflows. Built on top of Hydra, but not Blacklight, with a JavaScript-and-AJAX-heavy front-end for many search/editing features. Currently Fedora 3, but hopefully moving toward Fedora 4 early next year. Still under development with additional planned features. I'd love to present and get feedback. Video
Populating your repository with open access content from external systems Linda Newman + others A review of available APIs and services for identifying, and either manually or automatically loading, open source online content into a local IR.  Grey areas, policy questions, challenges and opportunities. Video
Fedora 3 to Fedora 4 migration Jim Coble, Adam Wead, Michael Friscia, Julie Hardesty Migrating a Fedora 3-based Hydra repository to Fedora 4 can be a major undertaking.  This panel will bring together representatives from multiple institutions that either are planning for, are in the midst of, or have completed such a migration.  Depending on where they are in the migration process, panelists will talk about their plans for migration, techniques used or expected to be used, obstacles anticipated or encountered, how problems were addressed, and migration outcomes.  It is hoped that the presentations and discussion will be useful to other Hydra sites planning such a migration. Video
Hydra-Stack / PCDM Live Walkthrough Mark Bussey Using Sufia 7 as a reference model, what does the path for depositing a new item into a Hydra/PCDM based repository look like from an end-user, code, console, solr, and fedora perspective: show the upload of new digital content via the Sufia UI and show each step of the data flow in the Browser, rails console, and Fedora. Walk through derivative generation and show the various PCDM relationships being built at each stage. Then add a new user collection, and walk through the same flows as a work is added to a collection: what gems are in play, what does the data look like from a ruby developer perspective, what is persisted in Fedora and Solr - how does it all relate to PCDM? Video

Audio Recordings:


Title Presenter Description A/V
We added Sipity workflow to CurationConcerns Jeremy Friesen

Sipity, long the envy of the Hydra community, has support for multiple, configurable complex workflows.  At it's heart is a state machine, which allows users with certain roles to take actions which trigger notifications, and custom code.  I'll demonstrate how we've brought this to CurationConcerns.

Link to Notes: https://goo.gl/SjnFrL

Audio (partial)
Blacklight Heatmaps Jack Reed Yes! Another Blacklight mapping plugin! This one is super cool with features like performant solr clustering, indexing multiple types of geometry (bounding boxes and points!) Audio
Introduction to IPFS and IPLD for Libraries & Archives Matt Zumwalt An introduction to IPFS, IPLD and how the decentralized web solves long-standing problems for Libraries, Archives and anyone who uses linked data. Audio
Versioning Vagrant in Atlas James Griffin Generalizing from discussions within the GIS Data Modeling Working Group, this talk aims to address the potential benefits and risks involved in attempting to integrate Vagrant Boxes (virtual machine images) into software development and service deployment life cycles. Audio
Monitoring Hydra.pdf Alicia Cozine A brief walk through on concerns related to monitoring and alerting a production Hydra stack. Video (no slides)
HydraResearchDataAndArchivematica-v04.pptx Julie Allinson, Richard Green In the UK, the Universities of York and Hull are looking at Archivematica's place in a research data pipeline. The two universities have slightly different use cases but share the desire to put research (and likely other) content through Archivematica on its way to the repository thus giving us a solid base for long-term preservation. We are both now in the third phase of a joint project to build proof-of-concepts to illustrate how Hydra and Archivematica can work together to manage and preserve research data. Since our project began, Jisc have launched an ambitious UK national research data shared service where a range of suppliers offer systems in different lots. Both Hydra / Fedora and Islandora / Fedora are part of the the ‘research repository’ lot of the service and the work of York and Hull has heavily informed the ‘preservation’ lot, with Archivematica one of the systems on offer. This presentation will describe the proof-of-concept work done by Hull and York, and will provide an overview of the new Jisc service. HC2016_Hydra_Research_Data.mp3
Case Study: Oregon Digital Migration from ContentDM to Hydra for digital collections Julia Simic, Linda Sato, Ryan Wick, Margaret Mellinger This case study will address the initial decisions and reasons for switching to Hydra, prototyping for launch of Hydra head, metadata cleanup and asset migration, final quality review, and lessons learned. HC2016_Oregon_Digital_ContentDM_Migration.mp3
Archiving Research Data into Hydra through the Open Science Framework (OSF) Rick Johnson, Don Brower, Sayeed Choudry, Elliot Metsger Archiving Research Data into Hydra through the Open Science Framework (OSF) - A look at initial work of Notre Dame and Johns Hopkins to archive research projects from the OSF into Fedora and Hydra repositories, and first implementation of a Fedora Research Object Model. This plugs into a service offering of the Center for for Open Science, OSF for Institutions (OSF4I). ND/JHU version will be initial support for OSF Fedora Archiving Add-on in the OSF as part of OSF4I offering. We hope to start discussion around next steps for other Hydra institutions to use this along with OSF4I to allow them support to archive research data from the OSF into their own Hydra/Fedora repository. HC2016_Archiving_Research_Data.mp3
Service management Panel Jon Cameron, Steve Van Tuyl, Debs Cane, Rick Johnson, Hannah Frost Service management is not just for managers! How managers, developers, librarians, and other team members can all work together to improve Hydra service management.  Sharing success stories and best practices; sharing challenges and potential solutions. Audio
Report from the Sufia UI working group Michael Tribone A recap of the group's recommendations for the upcoming now released Sufia 7 – thoughts on the diverse needs of the community and the result, What worked, what didn't work, how to approach it next time. HC2016_Sufia_UI_Working_Group.mp3
Building a geospatial repository with GeoConcerns Eliot Jordan, Darren Hardy GeoConcerns is a plugin to CurationConcerns for managing geospatial resources in a repository (http://geoconcerns.github.io). This presentation will give an overview and demonstration of GeoConcerns’ features and PCDM-based data model. In addition, we will discuss the code base and future development work such as integration with Sufia. Geospatial_Repository_Geoconcerns.mp3
Efficient development and deployment of Hydra projects using Vagrant Yinlin Chen  In this presentation, we will present a software development and deployment process that we have developed at Virginia Tech. We have used this procedure to develop several Hydra projects for University Libraries services at Virginia Tech and have also used it to conduct interviews for Ruby and Rails developers. We implemented a central vagrant box to facilitate the development and deployment processes. Using this vagrant box gives us many benefits: 1. Code immediately. Our software engineers can focus on coding without worrying about software installation. 2. Unified development environment. All developers do their work in the same, consistent development environment. 3. Development of multiple projects simultaneously. Developers can work on multiple projects in parallel, switching between project environments in just a few minutes. 4. Minimal differences between development environments and production environment. After we finish implementation, we can quickly deploy our applications into a cloud environment (e.g. AWS and OpenStack) that is highly consistent with our development environments. We will present and demonstrate our hands-on experience on how we use a single vagrant box with different GitHub repositories to develop multiple Hydra applications in detail, including Sufia, GeoBlacklight, Fedora, Solr, Vagrant, AWS, and OpenStack. Hydra_Project_Deploy_Vagrant.mp3
Opaquenamespace Josh Gum, Linda Sato A follow-up to our presentation at Hydra Virtual Connect to show the progress we've made on Opaquenamespace.org. We'll discuss how we are using Git and github as our master-copy for RDF graphs, and using Blazegraph and the triplestore-adapter gem for our operational datastore.  Opaquenamespace.mp3
Profiling your stack - Everything's slow, what now? Trey Pendragon The Hydra stack is large and complex, getting a handle on what's causing a specific slowdown can be difficult. This session would recommend some tools, strategies, and places to look for improving the performance of your application. Profiling_Your_Stack.mp3
Sharing geospatial metadata using OpenGeoMetadata and Linked Data  Darren Hardy, Chris Barnett, Andrew Battista, Kim Durante, James Griffin, and Jack Reed The session focuses on open approaches to sharing geospatial metadata. We will discuss issues around standard requirements, appropriate linked data predicates, using linked data for placenames and gazetteers, participating in organizations and networks for sharing like OpenGeoMetadata, and identifying available tools and resources. Audio
Technical walkthrough of the Hydra-in-a-Box hosted platform  Erin Fahy, Chris Beer Join us for a technical overview of the Hydra-in-a-Box hosted platform where we will detail how we're using Amazon cloud services and how we've evolved Hydra and Fedora to use them effectively. We will discuss how we've architected the traditional Hydra stack to be highly available, scalable, auto-deployed, and cloud friendly. Technical_Walkthrough_Hydra_Box_Hosted.mp3
UX Supercombo
(Accessibility Slides)
((How) Can We UX-ify Hydra Slides
Sonya Betz, Jenn Colt, David McCallum How can we include user experience [UX] best practices in Hydra's core development work? How can UX experts contribute effectively to the Hydra project? How can we ensure that decisions around elements that affect the user experience are based on good evidence? Through case studies and facilitated discussion, this panel will seek to demonstrate and explore how to better integrate end-user feedback into the Hydra development stream. Dave McCallum from the University of Oregon explores issues of accessibility and the user experience. Jenn Colt from Cornell University and Sonya Betz from the University of Alberta will facilitate an active discussion around building UX into Hydra development workflows, and will ask participants to suggest strategies for including real users and their feedback in design and development decisions.  Audio
Fedora: Foundational Considerations Tom Cramer, Karen Estlund, Ben Armintor

Fedora provides an essential foundational layer to the Hydra Stack that may seem opaque to many in the Hydra Community. Recent community discussions have highlighted the technical and community relationship between Hydra and Fedora, the value proposition of Fedora, and Fedora's role in an institution's broader preservation strategy. As the Hydra Community continues to thrive, the intersection of the larger repository community and role with these technologies is an important community rallying area.
This session is intended to: Generate awareness of the role Fedora plays in the Hydra stack; Generate awareness of the role client platforms play in shaping Fedora development; Advance a Hydra platform statement on the importance of supporting Fedora in general; Discuss methods for approaching development of features along the Hydra and Fedora stack continuum; Highlight the contributions many Hydra institutions are making towards Fedora as a way to advance their Hydra environments, as exemplars of how the two projects are symbiotic.

ScholarSphere Migration to PCDM - We Moved our data, you can too! Carolyn Cole I will show the data model migration from Sufia 6 to Sufia PCDM we used for ScholarSphere. In addition I will the outline major design decisions we made along the way. Then we will look at the tools in Sufia for migration of data from Sufia 6 to Sufia PCDM. I will include examples of extending the functionality for people who have extended the basic Sufia 6 model. ScholarSphere_Migration_to_PCDM.mp3
Hydra: beyond the repository Julie Allinson, Jon Stroop Using Hydra to manage and present cultural heritage resources raises a set of interesting challenges that are beyond the scope of the traditional institutional repository. These include more complex data models, elaborate and varied workflows, richer descriptive metadata, support for more and varied controlled vocabularies, the requirement to manage larger objects comprised of larger files and multiple derivatives, support for IIIF, and a desire for richer viewing environments in general. In this presentation we will discuss these challenges and highlight examples and implementations that have gone ‘beyond the repository’. Hydra_Beyond_Repository.mp3
Scoping and managing your Hydra project Shanita John, Mark Bussey As a manager, one of the biggest challenges when starting any project (Hydra, or otherwise) is feeling comfortable that you’ve asked all the right questions before the first development hour is logged. But what are the right questions? And once you begin, how do you ensure that you, your developers and your stakeholders remain on the same page throughout the course of the engagement? This presentation will explore two processes that DCE employs to tackle these concerns; the Scoping Phase and the Inception Deck. We'll explore how these to practices work to consolidate project expectations and fend-off wild assumptions, helping you to feel confident that when everyone says ‘circle,’ no one is picturing a square. Scoping_Managing_Hydra_Project.mp3 (partial)
Organizing regional Hydra meetings Julie Allinson, Karen Cariani, Linda Newman, Joseph Rhoads, Chrissy Rissmeyer Regional meetings are a great way to stay connected with your fellow Hydranauts throughout the year. Hear from past organizers about their experiences and tips, and learn about community resources to help get you started. It is also a chance to connect with other individuals in your region who are interested in organizing a future event.

(partial - mixed quality) 

What Does It Mean to Be a Hydra Partner? Convener: Robin Ruggaber; Panel: Hector Correa, Julie Hardesty, Erin Fahy, Julie Allinson, Mike Friscia What does it mean to be a Hydra Partner? What does the Hydra community expect of Partners?  What should Partners expect of the rest of the community?  Join us to discuss expectations, contributions and the advantages of Partnership.

(mixed quality) 



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