Mentorship Program at Hydra Connect

Mentorship Program at Hydra Connect


  • Bring people together to build individual capacity and empowerment
  • Increase diversity in participation, interaction and presentation at Hydra Connect
  • Break down barriers to entry and provide a welcoming orientation to the Hydra community
  • Strengthen the Hydra community by learning from mentees and diverse voices


The structure of the relationship between mentor and mentee can and should be defined at the outset by the parties involved. However, here are a few simple guidelines you may want to consider so that both of you can define a rewarding relationship:

  • Define clear, achievable goals for what you're hoping to get out of Hydra Connect. "Learn about Hydra Architecture" or "Engage with the community" are OK, but may not be specific enough to help you succeed. "Determine what level of architecture should hold this feature or design" or "What group(s) could I contribute to, and how, given my interest and skills in linked data" would be better.
  • Be explicit about your expectations. For example:
    • Set aside time each day of Hydra Connect to check in.
    • Establish a communication plan including preferred channel(s) and expected response time in advance.
  • Evaluation: We would love to know what worked or didn't work for advice to future mentors and mentees. Please send feedback to hydra-steering@groups.google.com. A survey will also be sent out post-HydraConnec to be shared with Samvera Connect Meetingss and Samvera Board membership.

Communication Channels

This is generally worked out between the mentor and the mentee.


Participants will be paired by a subgroup from Samvera Connect Meetings and Samvera Board membership based on responses in the sign-up forms.  Mentors and Mentees will be notified of pairing the Friday prior to Hydra Connect. If you have concerns about your match-up or would like to be matched up with someone else, you can let us know.

Adapted from Code4Lib's Mentorship Program