Notes from July 3 2014 Hydra UX call

Notes from July 3 2014 Hydra UX call

- Richard planning to redo website in August
- program committee meeting next Thursday; will be looking at topics
- 4-day structure
  - day 1 workshops aimed at newcomers
  - day 2/3 - traditional conference - probably will be invited
  - day 4 - breakout groups, workshops, those working with hydra now and taking it forward
- do we feel there is a workshop for people coming new to Hydra - e.g., why we use Blacklight and how to configure it, with a focus on managers. 
- propose another day-4 UX discussion; Mark volunteers to lead
- August
  - spotlight
  - update on hydra connect ux plans
  - website update
I can't make the call this morning, but I think it would be helpful to address some of the pain points folks have been having with trying out and adopting Hydra and make it more usable from that stand-point.  This covers a few things such as: 
Interviewing users who have been interested in adopting Hydra, but for one reason or another haven't been able to get started.
Website revamp (is anyone from the UX group working on the "rewrite"?)
Bundled "shovel-ready" distributions
-Shaun [Ellis]
I'm definitely interested in participating in future calls, though.  Katie, our usability librarian, and I are going to be planning some testing in the near future, as well as some in-depth setup of Google Analytics to really collect good usage statistics on clicks, downloads, etc. from our Hydra / Blacklight interfaces.
I think I also brought up the issue of browser version support in the first UX call, if you haven't already discussed that as well.
- Kalee [Sprague] 

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