May 29+June 5, 2014

May 29+June 5, 2014



  • Richard Green
  • Mark Bussey (Apologies)
  • Chris Awre (Apologies 6/5)
  • Patrick Feeley  (Apologies 5/29)
  • Ginnie Dressler

Notes in blue from 5/29.  Notes in green from 6/5.

Draft Agenda

  1. Additions/changes to agenda
  2. Matters arising from previous minutes:  May 15 and 16th, 2014
    In Patrick and Mark's absence the agenda was somewhat curtailed!  Richard will try to arrange a follow-up call on Thursday 5th June and will itemise the local information we are still dependent on to set a price.
  3. Progress reports
    1. Total room hire costs: update
      Patrick confirmed that all the room costs and set up fees will be covered by CWRU. 
    2. Invitation to submit workshop proposals - final proposed list sent out for comment 5/27
      1. Need to solicit workshops that have been listed but not volunteered
        1. Hydra for (new) managers (proposal to focus Tuesday workshop on new Hydra managers, focus Friday working group on existing managers)
        2. Hydra for DevOps  (tick)
        3. Dive into Hydra
        4. Test-driven development
        5. Agile (developers and managers to be handled jointly or split)
        6. Detailed demos/case studies of production systems for new and potential Hydra adopters
        7. Code Retreat for Hydra (Jeremy Friesen writes "This has no direct connection to Hydra, but is a means of sharpening the participants toolkit.")  (tick)
        8. Fedora 4 / Hydra test drive, and roadmap planning  (tick)
        9. RDF
        10. GeoData
    3. Richard and Mark will work to categorise these into tracks before we open booking.  Ticked workshops are "arranged" need to solicit leaders for the others nearer the time.  Maybe don't need tracking yet - leave to program committee.

    4. Eventbrite site: Need to be clear what goes on the EventBrite site and what goes in the September reminder mail.
      1. Site:  Prominent link to Connect #2 wiki page indicating that hotel booking and program info is there
        Need to agree wording for what we say esp. in relation to workshops (no promises!)
        Steering agree with saying no explicit provision for newcomers on the Friday. 
      2. Follow up (Survey Monkey?) :
        Workshop attendance?
        What "track" will you mainly follow (for room numbers)?
        Special dietary requirements?
        What days will you be attending? 
      3. Where does beer bus go?
        Beer bus EventBrite site can be signposted from the main booking site (if it is set up in time), certainly in the September email, but it will be on the wiki page for anyone who looks. Numbers needed mid-September.
    5. Hotel: Patrick to check that our commitment with the hotel is only to the first 20 rooms and that, after that, anyone who uses the booking site will get a room subject to availability but that we have no commitment to fill (say) the next block of 20.
      Patrick has checked and we have no commitment beyond the first 20 rooms 
    6. Free tickets: Case want three "free" tickets for the meal.  Ginnie should have one too.  Budget for 5.
    7. Newbies and tire-kickers: suggestion we are up front that we will not provide explicitly for them on Friday - to be discussed with Steering.
      Steering agree. 
    8. Tracks:  
      1. Steering suggest:
        1. New and potential Hydra adopters
        2. Managers
        3. Developers
        4. Ad hoc specials
      2. Need to get outline PDF schedule set up to reference from booking site.  Mark will take this on as last time.
    9. Beer bus:
      1. Tuesday night so that new folks can mix
      2. Cleveland locals to arrange separate from main EventBrite site with link on organization page.  Beer bus Eventbrite site to be set up initially for max 40 but with a wait list which can potentially be used to fill additional capacity as required.

  4. Conference fee
    1. Current spreadsheet at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hg4teH4ZPosol-hx8leoPejkOM8n9vaVz5bss7UR9Hg/edit#gid=0
    2. What do we need to charge for?
      1. T-shirt - now looks like $18.25
      2. Refreshments (what/when/how much?) 
        1. When will they need firm numbers?
          Nearer the time 
        2. Patrick to check the set up charge - is it charged once daily or per session (early morning AND morning break)
          No refreshment setup charge 
        3. Do charges include any tax and gratuities - Patrick to check
          No sales tax or gratuities 
      3. Conference meal (what/when/where/how much?)
        1. Jolly Scholar booked?.
        2. Does the $10 per head include tax and gratuities? Patrick to check.
          No sales tax but 15% gratuity 
        3. When do they need final numbers?
          Nearer the time 
        4. Please can we see the suggested menu some time in advance
          Patrick has emailed details and these can be refined. They will also try to accommodate dietary requests. 
    3. Can we set the fee with confidence?
      NO!!!  YES!!!  Spreadsheet comes to $52.40 so go with $55
  5. See and do around CWRU:  Two pages up at  Places to see and  Places to eat and/or drink .  Both need tidying up and possibly more website links.  Please wade in.
  6. Any other business
    1. Chris will advertise the URL for the wiki page (which will shortly have the booking site link) in a handout for OR2014
  7. DONM:  5th June?  There will not be a call 12th June because of Open Repositories.
    Agreed 26th June in the usual timeslot just for a check-in.  Richard will try to join but may be unavailable due to visitors. 

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