October 12, 2012
October 12, 2012
Tom Cramer, Stu Baker, Steve DiDomenico, Robin Ruggaber, Rick Johnson, Chris Awre, Mark Notess
- Hydra Camp update
- December meeting topics & logistics
- DIL Update
- Hydra Webinar #2
Hydra Camp Update
- in progress so we will need to catch up later
NW Update on DIL Steve and Stu
- Status: Going well; really close to being ready for wider access; faculty testing now
- Outstanding question - should DIL focus on faculty collection building only or more generally used for collection display as well?
Next Hydra Webinar - Rick Johnson
- Seven Screencast compiled for Oct 16
- Ready to go
- Libra, Hull, ScholarSphere, DIL, Seaside, Argo, RockHall
- Rick will introduce each screencast; ready to pause and skip around as needed
- Organization - grouping 3 IR first, Argo last
- Few slides at beginning and end to frame and conclude.
- Rick is asking for heads in development so that he can mention coming attractions
December Hydra Meetings
- San Diego is confirmed for the first week of Dec 3-5th
- Three hotels being reviewed for blocks of rooms; Sheraton @$119 per night
- Meeting rooms still being confirmed
- Question on how many we intend to send
- NW - 2
- ND - 2
- Stanford - 6-7
- UVa - 0
- Indiana - 2-4
- Mediashelf - 3-?
- Tom will put out a call on the list. Rick had made a block of 15 and 25 but used about 20 with 7 local to Indiana.
- Steering Group will hold a separate, parallel retreat which will not overlap with a developer focused partner meeting except perhaps at night
- Thoughts on Agenda - less architecture, more code sharing or developing time
- Next task could be to identify which tools might be used to whiteboard some ideas in advance of the meeting
- Jeremy from ND is out for a portion of Oct and had the whiteboard idea
- Maybe we should call out to Hydracamp to determine if there are focal points for the Dec meeting
- Avalon is still lacking some package dependencies; project is looking for feedback
- Stanford is in the process of trying to install Atrium and should have feedback and a demo by Dec; documentation holes have been identified