Developer Congress - Solar Vortex - January 2020

Developer Congress - Solar Vortex - January 2020

Join us for Solar Vortex - the Samvera Developers Congress from January 22nd - January 24th at UC San Diego.

The focus will largely be determined by the group that attends. As an open invite event, we expect people to work on the collaborations that are most compelling for them. We know there is a group that is interested in focusing on Valkyrie and Wings work.

We’re limiting the size of the group to 30 attendees. Interested in joining? Sign up here: https://forms.gle/pUHYPwU8hxWJHZNL9

Interested in attending remotely? No need to sign up. Let us know below! 

Notes from the Developer Congress


Biomedical Library - UC San Diego 

Recommended hotels:


  • This is a self-organizing working meeting.
  • Take a look at the project board and consider whether you want to sponsor a ticket / project (either something on there or something you want to add).


January 22 - Wednesday - Full Day (9am-5pm)
January 23 - Thursday - Full Day (9am-5pm)
January 24- Friday - Half Day (out by 1pm)


GitHub Project Board

Slack Channel (#developer-congress)


  1. Jessica Hilt, UCSD (Local host liason)
  2. Tom Johnson, UCSB, Hyrax Technical Lead (MC)
  3. Mike Giarlo, Stanford University
  4. Aaron Collier, Stanford University
  5. Julie Allinson (Notch8)
  6. Bess Sadler (DCE)
  7. Max Kadel (DCE)
  8. Mark Bussey (DCE)
  9. Alexandra Dunn (UCSB)
  10. Rob Kaufman (Notch8)
  11. Kiah Stroud (Notch8)
  12. Randall Floyd (Indiana University)
  13. Jeremy Friesen (University of Notre Dame)
  14. Nikitas Tampakis (Princeton University)
  15. Brandon Straley (Oregon State)
  16. (add your name here!)

Remote Attendees: 

Planning on attending remotely? Let us know here: 

Join the call at https://ucsb.zoom.us/s/6875573284

Lynette Rayle

Cornell University

Chris ColvardIndiana University
Kate LynchUniversity of Pennsylvania
Rachel Kadel


Brian KeeseIndiana University

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