Partners Meeting Connect 2019

Partners Meeting Connect 2019

The Partner Meeting is a companion meeting to Connect 2019 and is not for general conference attendees.  It is a business meeting for representatives of Samvera's formal Partner Organizations only.

Location:  Washington University in St. Louis

Room: 142 Olin Library (available from 8 AM CDT - 6 PM CDT)

Date and Time: Monday, 10/21/19

Equipment: Seating for 60 with tables or 100 without tables. Podium with PC, DVD/VCR and projector

Wi-fi: https://it.wustl.edu/home/how-to/connect/

Food/Drink: A light breakfast with tea/coffee and a mid morning & mid afternoon snack will be provided. Lunch will not be provided.

Chairs: Brian McBride (University of Utah), Richard Green (Samvera Operations Adviser)

Remote Connection Information:

Remote Connection Information using Zoom can be found here

These details are valid only for the Partner Meeting.


Please add your name if you plan to attend the Partner meeting at Connect

Space is limited, but we should be able to accommodate up to two representatives from each Partner.

Brian McBride (University of Utah)

Richard Green  (Samvera Operations Adviser)

Michael Joseph Giarlo  (Stanford University)

John Weise (University of Michigan)

Brian Hole (Ubiquity)

Glen Horton (University of Cincinnati)

Margaret Mellinger  (Oregon State University)

Esmé Cowles (Princeton University Library)

Karen Cariani (WGBH)

Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)

Harriett Green (Washington University in St. Louis)

Rob Kaufman (Notch8)

Casey Davis Kaufman (WGBH)

Nora Zimmerman (Lafayette College)

Jon Dunn (Indiana University)

Jim Halliday (Indiana University)

Tim Marconi (UC San Diego)

Hilt, Jessica (Deactivated) (UC San Diego)

Rosalyn Metz (Emory University)

Emily Stenberg (Washington University in St. Louis) - tentative

Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (UC Santa Barbara)

Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)

Simeon Warner (Cornell)

Hannah Frost (Stanford)

Jeremy Friesen (University of Notre Dame)

Laura Cappelletti (Duke)

Rory McNicholl (CoSector, University of London)

Robin Ruggaber (University of Virginia)

Mark Bussey (Data Curation Experts) - afternoon only


Attending remotely:

Maria Whitaker  (Indiana University)

Stuart Kenny (Digital Repository of Ireland)

bess (Data Curation Experts)


Agenda - updated with new timings 10/18

9:00-9:15Welcome and housekeepingHarriett Green, Brian McBride & Richard Green
9:15-9:45Samvera Code of Conduct WG recommendationJessica HiltThe Code of Conduct WG has a draft document on conflict resolution to discuss ahead of Connect. (Notes: Partner Meeting 2019 - Code of Conduct Discussion)
9:45-10:00Governance review after first yearRosalyn Metz / Carolyn CaizziThe Governance Working Group recommended an annual review of the "new" governance procedures.  Partners need to decide how to take this review forward.
10:00-11:00Contribution Model Working Group #2 reportRosalyn MetzReport back and discussion.  Contribution Model Recommendations

11:15-11:30Vision Statement Hannah Frost and Carolyn CaizziThe Group who worked on the Vision Statement following Partner input at our last meeting will unveil their recommendation!
11:30-11:40Steering by-laws reviewRichard GreenProposal to make a slight addition to the Steering By-laws agreed last year: Proposed changes to Bylaws for November 2019
11:40-11:55Fundraising and Financial reportRichard Green

Fundraising Working Group final report: the Group's interim report has been extended by two paragraphs and an appendix to address the possibility of seeking grant funding.  The final (new) appendix, in very slightly modified form, has been added to the website and wiki as a 'community' companion to the technical White Paper.

Report on the changes resulting from the merger between DuraSpace and Lyrasis and on 2019 fundraising.

Financial statement

Proposals for fundraising 2020.


Report on progress towards permanent appointmentsJon Dunn

A subcommittee of the Steering Group has prepared a job description for the Community Manager role drawing on examples from a number of sources.  Partners need to decide when and how to take the process forward taking into account Samvera's financial position. 

A parallel job description for a Technical Manager has been prepared but this is less well developed - the subcommittee seeks greater clarity from our Partners, technical WGs and teams about the scope envisaged for this job; how does the incumbent's work integrate with existing groups' and where do the various levels of technical decision making sit?

12:25-13:45Lunch (please do not leave belongings in the room during this time)

13.45-14:05Roadmap Council Report

The Roadmap Council is reflecting on what it’s next iteration might look like.


14:05-14:15CCMWG reportTrey PendragonTechnical Health Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/157lBPaTC_zk19Einbm5Skux3ieqX9LYVuR3BmeUF5vQ/edit#
14:15-14:25SIGAHR reportRob Kaufmanhttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tIgN1qj4nZaKgxP-pKjKVFOS_ohgrw0V6vRVTXd-g6E/edit?usp=sharing
14:25-14:35Hyku IG reporthttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14uou_h0Pxf_SRaE7eQaJj-3k_eyqEy19AmRgub0dRXM/edit?usp=sharing
14:35-14:45Marketing WG report

Karen Cariani

Samvera marketing working group report

14:45-15:30Hyrax WG reportRob Kaufman

To include the WG's resourcing 'ask' for 2020.



15:45-16:00Review viability and usefulness of partner monthly phone callsKaren CarianiAssess the impact and value of the partner meetings.  Who attends regularly? What is accomplished by the phone calls? How can they be improved?   
16.00-16:10Spring Partner MeetingBrian McBride & Richard GreenStart the discussion about where and when? Can we tag it on to LDCX wherever and whenever that is taking place?
16:10-16:20Dates/timing for Virtual Connect 2020Richard Green & Brian McBrideWhen? Format?
16:20-16:25Dates for Connect 2020 (Local Host UCSB)

(Caution, contains spoilers): 

16:25-16:35Might Connect have a 'proper' keynote in 2020?Brian McBride & Richard GreenSubject to a review of how this year's keynote works (won't have taken place, yet) do we think this is a move in the right direction?
16:35-17:05Parking lot

Future Partner CallWhat are the assumptions behind programming Samvera Connects (virtual and f2f)? Inclusiveness or selective? Richard Green & Brian McBride...and if we need to be selective, on what basis?
Future Partner CallHow do we increase numbers at Connect?Brian McBride & Richard GreenAttendance at Connect is in a downward trend.  Understandable, because people and institutions are generally more experienced with Samvera and don't send so many people to 'on-board'.  But smaller conferences will mean higher registration fees etc...

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