March 2016 Developer Meeting Agenda

March 2016 Developer Meeting Agenda

Dates and Location: March 24-25th at Stanford University

Meeting Room and Time: Lathrop Library 282, 9am-5pm

Facilitator: Jeremy Friesen

Registration Form: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hydra-developer-congress-and-hydra-power-steering-stanford-university-tickets-20960047065

Lodging:  Hotel suggestions and ground transportation tips for Stanford

Code of conduct: We will follow the Hydra Code of Conduct

Note: please consider attending and separately registering for LDCX on the preceding Monday through Wednesday.


  • Focused face to face time for Hydra developer community
  • Community code exchange
  • Move community development goals forward

Potential Topics

  • Sufia 7 & CurationConcerns

  • Administrative Sets in PCDM (and in code)

  • Configurable multi-step approval workflow (in Sufia/CC stack)

  • IIIF integration (in Sufia/CC stack)

  • Geo

  • Data processing pipelines

Development Ideas

  1. Explore extracting more of the work that PSU did with ScholarSphere and SHARE (like extracting a synchronization gem and possibly gem to do the mapping of Hydra to the SHARE JSON record)

  2. Dubbed SHARE Link: Get input on early planning for a dashboard that would combine data between SHARE, VIVO, and Fedora, and Hydra (more detail here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1trCNQPV_sKg4DO7aoR_9Y1n40jhkVGcUlxT7LxB1e8E/edit?usp=sharing)

  3. Visibility (public, institution, private) and Sharing (editor/viewer permissions) for Collections in Sufia (Lynette Rayle)
  4. Collection Facets - issues with indexing in Solr (Lynette Rayle)
  5. Roles in Sufia (super admin, admin, collection admin, editor, viewer) (Lynette Rayle)
  6. Feature Checklist of Curation Concerns and Sufia - side by side comparison list (Lynette Rayle)
  7. Proxy user in Sufia 7 (Nabeela Jaffer)
  8. Browse Everything Integration with Sufia 7 (Nabeela Jaffer)
  9. GeoBlacklight - MD schema abstraction and JS options enhancement.. Cut 1.0 (Jack Reed)

Development Ideas, Prioritized (for later use, pls do not edit)

Rank Well Defined Achievable by Friday Feature/Description