September 12, 2014
September 12, 2014
Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025
Facilitator: Linda Newman
Notetaker: Mark Bussey
Agenda & Notes
- Roll Call
- Welcome New Folks
- Attending
- Linda Newman (Cincinnati)
- Mark Bussey (DCE)
- Chris Awre (Hull)
- Jim Tuttle (Duke)
- Jon Stroop (Prin
- Dean Krafft (Cornell)
- Stephen Anderson (Boston Public Library)
- Simeon Warner (
- Ray Lubinsky (University of Virginia)
- Mike Frischa (Yale)
- Julie Rudder (Northwestern)
- Justin Coyne (Data Curation Experts)
- Rick Johnson (Notre Dame)
- Tom Cramer (Stanford)
- Bess Sadler (Stanford)
- Mike Giarlo (Penn State University)
- Mark Notess (Indiana U)
- Call for Agenda Items
- Next Call
- Date: October 10th
- Facilitator: Chris Awre
- Notetaker: Bess Sadler
- Date: October 10th
- Architectural oversight of Hydra core (see notes from August 2014)
- August notes see: August 8, 2014
- Project Hydra Repos: CORE: https://github.com/projecthydra, LABS: https://github.com/projecthydra-labs, DEPRECATED: https://github.com/projecthydra-deprecated
- Request to add descriptions to main wiki and links - Rick Johnson volunteered to make a first pass
- Need to add consistent header banners on github - Mark to bring up on next committer call
- Justin Coyne made a shout out to folks to get more of their developers involved in contributing code
- Browse everything (in labs) - is in use Cincinatti, ScholarSphere, Northwestern using
- Discussion promotion model at Hydra Connect (session led by Carolyn Cole)
- Standing Community to-do's
- Reports back (if any)
- Next Partner and dev-centric meetings
- Hydra Connect #2, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio: 9/30-10/3/2014 – see Hydra Connect 2 - Fall 2014
- Call for all participants to provide at least one poster
- Case Western Reserve University has graciously offered to print all posters for us
- Links on wiki for
- Dinners on Monday
- Transportation from airport
- Call for existing Partners to act as ambassadors - there will be lots of new adopters attending who we would like to make welcome
- Training
- Hydra Camp (August report, any future plans)
- Princeton Camp was well attended and very successful: Hydra @ Hogwarts
- Installs went particularly successfully - allowed more time for drill-down, questions, experimentation for the rest of camp
- Upcoming Hydra Camps not scheduled, but planned for Spring & Fall 2015 in North America (US), sometime in 2015 in Europe in coordination with Hydra Symposium
- Hydra Connect #2
- Developer training to use VM deployment prototyped at Princton - if things go well, we'll do the same at DLF
- Unconference session at Hydra Connect for production deployment
- DLF in Atlanta October 27 - 29 (Hydra Installfest + Intro to Development in Hydra)
- 2 Hydra workshops (Install + Develop)
- 12-15 Hydra related presentations
- Association of Moving Image Archivists this year (October 8-11 . Savannah, Georgia http://www.amiaconference.com)
- Hack day Hydra activites during day 1 workshops
- Hydra for media archives panel: Avalon, HydraDAM, etc.
- Other
- Hydra Camp (August report, any future plans)
- Projects & Working Groups
- Hydramata Updates - prepping to show current version of hydramata at Connect with a focus on Works - See Notre Dame update e-mail
- Hydra RDF WG updates (if any) - next meeting at Hydra Connect (ad hoc work on Fedora 4)
- Hydra Archivists WG updates (if any) - next meeting at Hydra Connect
- Hydra UX update (if any) - next meeting at Hydra Connect
- Hydra Digital Preservation WG update (if any) - working group is exchanging e-mails in anticipation of Connect - see the Connect DPWG Agenda wiki page for more details
- Other Working Group Reports
- Strategic Plan updates
- The Power Steering meeting in Spring 2014 generated a long list of topic that we have been struggling over the last 4 months to convert from general ideas into action items
- The Hydra Steering Group had a call on September 9th to plan work at Hydra Connect to help turn the idea list into a more specific Strategic Plan
- One are of specific focus is to articulate a meeting schedule and interim strategy to address the need for face-time that previously occurred during quarterly partner meetings, potential solutions include but are not limited to
- Hydra Connect
- Developer Congresses
- Power Steering meetings
- Regional Hydra meetings (to help lower travel barriers)
- Working-Group specific meetings (to help focus available time)
- Status of information gathering on Fedora 3 -> Fedora 4 transitions (Migration messaging)
- Hydra & Fedora 4 FAQ
- Fedora 4 pilots at UCSD, Stanford, Penn State
- Overall
- Fedora 3.8 released - last planned release of 3.x series, but no planned end-of-life at this point
- Hydra support for Fedora 3.x is stable, well proven and will continue for the foreseeable future - planned at least until Fedora 3.x end-of-life if not longer
- Hydra community is actively working on Fedora 4.0 integrations (see pilots above)
- Fedora 4.0 and therefore Hydra solutions building on Fedora 4.0 are generally targeted to green field deployments
- Migration of existing repositories with content stored in Fedora 3.x is planned to be address in the Fedora 4.1 release
- Reports back (if any)
- Prospective Partner Intel Sharing
- Any other old or new business