September 9, 2016

September 9, 2016


Hydra Partners Call (September 2016)
Friday, September 9, 2016 
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr 
Meeting number:  737 192 431 
Meeting password: h9cwrT45
Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 
Facilitator:  sanderson  (Boston Public Library)
Notetaker: Andrew Rouner (WUSTL)


  1. Welcome to newcomer's
  2. Call for additional agenda items
  3. Presentations (none scheduled... in case any takers)
  4. Facilitator and notetaker for October 14th Call
  5. Hydra Connect 2016 Update
  6. Feedback on schedule and frequency of future Hydra Virtual Connect events:
    please respond to brief survey at https://goo.gl/forms/bB8DSb9SxaNW27CL2
  7. Call for future presenters
  8. Upcoming Calendar Events:
    1. November 2016 Hydra Partner Meeting, Sun Nov 6, Milwaukee, WI, in conjunction with DLF
  9. Hydra Financial Vision: 


  10. Next Call: October 14th



  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
  2. Andrew Rouner (WUSTL)
  3. Adam Malantonio (Lafayette College Libraries)
  4. James Griffin (Lafayette College Libraries)
  5. Jon Dunn (Indiana University)
  6. wgcowan (Indiana University)
  7. Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford University)
  8. Richard Green (University of Hull)
  9. Mike Korcynski (Tufts University)
  10. DeanK (Cornell)
  11. Maria Whitaker (Indiana University)
  12. Jocelyn Triplett (old account) (University of Virginia)
  13. Rick Johnson (University of Notre Dame)
  14. David McCallum (University of Oregon for Oregon Digital)
  15. James Tuttle (Duke)
  16. matienzo (DPLA)
  17. Mark Breedlove (DPLA)
  18. Simeon Warner (Cornell)
  19. Jon Stroop (Princeton)
  20. Tom Cramer (Stanford)
  21. Chris Awre (University of Hull)
  22. Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)
  23. Eric James (Yale)


  1. Eric Luhrs (Lafayette College Libraries)
  2. Linda Newman (University of Cincinnati)
  3. we'll miss you if you're not with us  (sad)

Event Recording


Next meeting: 11 November 2016 14 October 2016
Facilitator: Will Cowan
Notetaker: Mark Matienzo


[The meeting is being recorded.]


Opening of meeting

(Steven Anderson facilitator)

This call used the new meeting format, and attendees were invited to add themselves to the September partner call page.


Welcome to newcomers

Mark Breedlove from DPLA was welcomed [and later added himself to attendee list].


Call for additional agenda items

[No agenda additions.]



It was noted the new meeting format came with the ability to screen share.  No one submitted a presentation in advance, and the facilitator asked if anyone was willing to give a presentation or demonstrate new functionality.

Carolyn Caizzi @ Northwestern volunteered to do a walk-through, but indicated she couldn’t do a screen share immediately (at this meeting).  Facilitator indicated he had heard that general updates could be done through email.  Carolyn Caizzi indicated they could do a presentation of their just released public collections for image applications in November.


Facilitator and notetaker for November 11th Call

Call for volunteers for next meeting November 11th.

Mark Matienzo will be notetaker.

Will Cowan @ Indiana will be facilitator.


The question was raised as to whether or not there should still be an October partner call.  It was determined that it would be a week after HydraConnect (October 14th).

Comments indicated a call would be worth having to follow up on issues raised @ HydraConnect.

[No objections to having an October meeting.]


Hydra Connect 2016 Update

Update from host committee:

It was noted that the reserved blocks in hotels are sold out.  There’s some information on the conference page on alternatives for lodging, but it was stated anyone who hadn’t yet made reservations would be on their own.

The conference is over or at 230 registrations, which officially will make it the biggest HydraConnect ever held.


Update from program committee:

Richard Green referred attendees to an email he sent out the day of the call, and apologized that the “sessionizer” was not yet available (by the time of the call).  It was used successfully last year to plan the unconference sessions, and would be available later the following week.

It was suggested attendees sign up for workshops soon, since they are filling up (and some might need to be capped).  It was also requested anyone sign up for a poster who is planning to bring one, so planners know how many they’re dealing with.

The host committee will be sending emails to ask for volunteers for things like room checking/AV help.


Call for future presenters

Call for presenters for the October 14th call [no volunteers responded].  Facilitator will send out an email closer to the call for volunteers.  BPL indicated they may be able to present on a hybrid solution with Fedora 3 instance and instance in the cloud.


Feedback on schedule and frequency of future Hydra Virtual Connect events:

Jon Dunn @ IU: sent an email on this issue the morning of the call.  He indicates there’s near unanimous agreement on continuing Hydra virtual connect, but divergence on timing and frequency.  Email asks for how many times a year and suggested dates for virtual HydraConnect online, and it was requested partners respond to the (short) survey.



Upcoming Calendar Events:

There is a Hydra Partner Meeting, Sunday November 6 upcoming in Milwaukee, WI (just ahead of the DLF).  (Email just referenced touched on this meeting.)  Because many Hydra folks will be at DLF, it was thought it would be useful to have an opportunity for further discussion.  There is a wiki page to sign up if anyone is interested.  Tom Cramer was instigator of idea.

Tom Cramer indicated the feedback is that HydraConnect is good for broad, general outreach, and there have been many good developer congresses, but there haven’t been opportunities for partners, and people interested in Hydra but not yet partners, to work on infrastructure and sorting out technical architectures.  He suggested there’s a need to reevaluate strategy regarding the number of camps Hydra offers (because they’re rare).  Both Fedora and Islandora are setting a good example for this kind of outreach Hydra could follow.


Hydra Financial Vision:


Tom Cramer addressed the Hydra financial vision, indicating there was a pretty good update at last call.  We are over our target for the year and will try to figure out what to do with surplus.  Participants commented that it was exciting the goal was met so quickly.


Additional agenda items?

[No additional agenda items.]


Next Call: October 14th


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