July 11, 2014

July 11, 2014


Dial: +1 (530) 881-1400
Access Code: 651025


  • Steven Anderson (BPL - Facilitator)
  • Linda Newman (Cincinnati - Notetaker)
  • Mike Friscia (Yale)
  • Richard Green (Hull)
  • Chris Awre, Hull
  • Karen Cariani (WGBH)
  • Jon Stroop (Princeton)
  • Bess Sadler (Stanford)
  • Ray Lubinsky (UVA)
  • Rick Johnson  (Notre Dame)
  • Claire Stewart (Northwestern)
  • Will Cowan (Indiana)
  • Mike Giarlo (Penn State)
  • Anders Conrad (Royal Library)

Agenda & Notes

  1. Roll Call
    1. Welcome New Folks

  2. Call for Agenda Items

  3. Next Call
    1. Date: August 8th  
      1. Facilitator: Karen Cariani
      2. Notetaker: Bess Sadler
  4. Architectural oversight of Hydra core
    This came up after LDCX, and was left on the agenda from previous meetings.  It was decided to push this to the next agenda.

  5. Mailing lists
    1. hydra-users will become hydra-community on Sunday 13 July
    2. All hydra-partners traffic should please transfer to hydra-community unless it is genuinely "Partners-only" material (eg security alerts, votes,...)
      Bess suggested that monthly Hydra partners updates go to hydra-community, which would encourage those who are not partners to also submit updates.  Richard confirmed that this was one of the desired outcomes of this change.  Richard volunteered to forward our updates to Hydra-community on July 13th, and to continue to encourage submissions to move toward hydra-community.  Expect to see emails from Richard on Monday about the switch being complete.  

  6. Standing Community to-do's

    1. Reports back
      1. Hydra Camp, May 6-9 Minneapolis  (deferred to future update from Mark Bussey who was unable to attend today)