Samvera Partner Call - April 13, 2018

Samvera Partner Call - April 13, 2018

Samvera Partners Call (April 2018)
Friday, April 13, 2018
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45

Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com

Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:

    1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

    2. We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers 

Facilitator: Nabeela Jaffer 

Note Taker: Daniel Coughlin 


Richard Green  (Hull)

arouner (WUSTL)

Julie Allinson (CoSector, UoL)

Margaret Mellinger (Oregon State University)

Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her) (UC Santa Barbara)

Franny Gaede (University of Oregon)

Chris Awre (Hull)

Mark Bussey (Data Curation Experts)

Simeon Warner (Cornell) (first portion only)

Esmé Cowles (Princeton)

Mike Korcynski (Tufts)

Jeremy Morse (University of Michigan)

newmanld (Cincinnati)

Sebastian Palucha (Deactivated) (York)

Maria Whitaker (Indiana U.)

Event Recording:


  1. Update on March Partner Meeting:
    1. Advance notice: Contribution Model Working Group established by Partner Meeting will likely be seeking members next week: Richard Green
      Extensive minutes on the website as well as recording, should be available via the wiki. Samvera needs a solid and well understood contribution model if it is going to put together a permanent position or two. Ryan and Richard will be putting out a call for participation in a contribution working group. We need a strategy to raise ongoing funds in an ongoing basis. Samvera has other financial needs outside of these positions that need to be considered. We have never required money for partnership, from the beginning and we need to make sure that organizations that don’t have money still have the ability to provide contributions in kind. Partners will produce a report (may be an interim report) prior to fall Samvera connect, so that recommendations can be in place for 2019 fundraising opportunity. Currently looking for 3-4 members (from the meeting) and 3-4 those not at the meeting, North American and Outside of North American partners, as well as non-University Libraries to represent the diverse group of partners to be part of this group.
  2. Update on Samvera Governance Vote: Mark Busseyrsteans

    Mark providing an update. Votes went out to 35 partner institutions, we have 31 ballots returned, all in-favor at this point. We are reaching out to remaining institutions today for those 4 remaining. Certainly feels like a consensus at 31 in favor and no dissenting, the 4 outstanding seem to be in positional transitions where it’s been difficult to track down who should vote. We have more than 2/3 of the vote to be considered broad support. Used Election Buddy and seemed like a valuable tool for a limited cost ($19 per vote).

    Most feedback for the governance document has been around

    • the funding models for staff support, and contribution model (how to balance financial contributions with contributions in-kind — we need contributors in terms of code, testing, documentation, project management, etc.), 
    • steering group transition and how that should be done to ensure a knowledge transfer and we can continue to carry the community forward. 
    • the mechanics and logistics of hiring centralized staff, we currently don’t have the funding to do this. In the absence of getting the funding to do this would we hire one or have organizations donate time, or only fill the most important aspects of each position or only fill one position entirely.
    • Linda (Cincinnati) gave an aside, reporting on her conversations with her Dean and Chief Technology Officer, when she briefed them before casting her vote.  The Dean expressed a hope that despite the organization growing bigger and more bureaucratic, our open source organization could still balance democratic decision making and agile culture.  She responded that this was our hope as well, and a major motivation for our governance work, so that it would be clear to participants how we go about democratic decision making.  There were also questions about the contribution model and the costs of staffing and how that might translate to local costs, and Linda shared the discussion from Partners that indicated that financial contributions from Partners would continue to be voluntary, and that in-kind contributions would still be greatly encouraged, and thus that the contribution model will be developed in order to balance and recognize all contributions. 
  1. Update on Samvera Connect 2018: arouner
    Andrew is heading up the program committee, there are 10 folks in the program committee. Solid mix of new folks and experienced folks. Workshop proposals seemed to be the most pressing need, so far 2 proposals. Those proposals will likely be self-selecting as it has been in the past. Meeting again soon and will be getting back to people on the workshop proposals. The target is to have everything in place by OR in early June and they are well on track to hit that date. They are looking to provide lunch on multiple days to attendees so they don’t need to go out for lunch. Also looking at how scholarships will be arranged.

  2. Update on Samvera Virtual Connect 2018: Chrissy Rissmeyer (she/her)/Nabeela Jaffer

    Chrissy and Nabella are co-chairing the planning group, they have 8 members on the planning group. Good mix of new and previous members. Looking for feedback (particularly from non-US to make sure they aren’t on holidays they may be missing, Richard looked quickly and saw no problems with these dates from a UK perspective) members to make on potential dates and 
    Tuesday July 10 - Thursday July 12
    Tuesday July 17  - Thursday July 19

    11am ET - 2pm ET time frame for folks. Really hard to find a universal time for folks, but this is the most acceptable it seems.

    Call for proposals will be going out soon (likely next week). They are hoping that all proposals can be an open call. Keep an eye out for an announcement to put forth proposal or topic for discussion. They may do multiple tracks, virtual connect is very well attended because it is more accessible to a wider variety of participants which may require varying levels of proposals, but there is no decision on that yet. First seeing what proposals come in.

    Used Zoom webinar last year and likely to use that again this year because experience was positive. 

  3. Fulcrum update: Jeremy Morse
    1. Enhancements to Cozy Sun Bear e-reader: https://doi.org/10.3998/mpub.9231782

    Just completed 3 year Mellon grant to building the platform, link in agenda to check this out. In addition to Hyrax repo functions, now we can designate an e-pub file as a representative file for the work. Cozy Sun Bear [https://github.com/mlibrary/cozy-sun-bear], JavaScript e-pub widget, allows reading the book on the platform. You can read book and see 3D content side by side. Built this to be flexible so they would love others to look at this and let them know their experience. 

    They were awarded a second grant, starting 4/1, for 
    -sustainability on services that would be hosted on the platform (get critical mass of content on platform and work at scale and with others). 
    -preservation, exporting tools from Fedora to DPN so its applicable to other Samvera and Fedora community members
    -accessibility, working with Michigan State on this to do some usability tests on assistive technology. Not as far along as they hoped, but really good and useful feedback. They will do more testing on the result of this grant.

  4. Hyrax Working Group Call for Participation: Mark Bussey (on behalf of Carolyn Caizzi) - 
    They are looking for 1-2 more developers for this team, please get in touch with Carolyn in the next week.
    1. See e-mail to groups: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/samvera-tech/SPUqdg7INIo/WgHP06Y_BgAJ
    2. Draft Charter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vFlyOS7j-PJw-7QJhj_xaqzEEFkeXRBzqm4HIo21I6c/edit?usp=sharing
  5. Add items here...

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