August 10, 2018 Partner Call

August 10, 2018 Partner Call

Samvera Partners Call (July 2018)
Friday, August 10, 2018
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45

Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com

Join by phone
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Code of Conduct

We want Samvera Community to be a fun, informative, engaging event for all our partners and participants. We've got a few strategies to help make this happen:

    1. We encourage everyone to apply the Samvera community principles of openness, inquiry, and respect in their interactions at the event.

    2. We have officially adopted an Anti-Harassment Policy.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to community helpers 



Facilitator: Karen Cariani

Note Taker:  Mike Korcynski


Report on Samvera Virtual Connect (either/or both Nabeela and Chrissy)

Planning for the next Samvera Virtual Connect

Samvera Connect reminders

  • $250 earlybird booking finishes on Wednesday next, after which $275

Samvera Connect brief progress update

  • 15 Workshops
  • 29 Panels & Presentations
  • Progress on Plenary0
  • 39 registrants as of 8/7

Valkyrie community sprint report

  • Participants
    • Penn State: Carolyn Cole, Dan Coughlin, Michael Tribone, Adam Wead
    • Princeton: Esmé Cowles, James Griffin, Anna Headley, Trey Pendragon
  • Features
    • Single-valued fields
    • Optimistic locking
    • Ordered properties
    • Release candidate
    • ActiveFedora almost completely removed


Report on Samvera Virtual Connect (either/or both Nabeela and Chrissy)

* Held on July 11th. Retrospective meeting on the 24th with survey results.
* Event went well, many people indicated since they can not attend Connect this was a good opportunity.
* Survey indicated communication was good, lightening talks may have been too short was a common theme.
* Q&A process was improved over years past, with questions from chat, moved to a doc, and asked from the doc.
* Chrissy has done a lot of work to document the process for running a Virtual Connect.

Planning for the next Samvera Virtual Connect

* Would be nice to have it in Spring rather than Summer, may be less hectic.
* May want to have tracks, maybe one for devs/techs and one for managers/metadata, etc.
* Esme: maybe an hour long event 2-3 different times through out the year, may be good with different focus's.
* Particularly effective format for interest group updates.
* John: Likes the idea of a bigger event less frequently, would be nice if the presentations were marked with who the target audience is.
* Karen: How should we go about finding volunteers to plan the next Virtual Connect? Call for Volunteers to pick up the planning process. This should probably be on the agenda for the Partner meeting at Samvera Connect.
* Nabeela: Should we send out a survey to see what the community thinks about the format of future events or discuss at the partner meeting? Suggestion to discuss at Partners Meeting in SLC this fall.

Samvera Connect reminders

  • $250 earlybird booking finishes on Wednesday next, after which $275

Samvera Connect brief progress update

  • 15 Workshops
  • 29 Panels & Presentations
  • Progress on Plenary0
  • 39 registrants as of 8/7
  • program committee this meeting this past week, crossed a significant milestone, accepting the panel and presentation proposals

  • may be in touch with some presenters to juggle between panels and presentation, but if you proposed something you should have heard from the program committee

  • the full list of panels, presentations, and workshops is on the wiki if you want to see what is there.

Valkyrie community sprint report

  • Participants
    • Penn State: Carolyn Cole, Dan Coughlin, Michael Tribone, Adam Wead
    • Princeton: Esmé Cowles, James Griffin, Anna Headley, Trey Pendragon
  • Features
    • Single-valued fields
    • Optimistic locking
    • Ordered properties
    • Release candidate
    • ActiveFedora almost completely removed
  • Wrapping up a two week sprint today with participants from Penn State and Princeton.

  • Probably one more release candidate after the one just released.

  • Important milestone coming up is the complete removal of ActiveFedora

  • Working on a lot of documentation, much more readable code base, making it easier to get started as well.

  • Congratulations all around.

  • Question: Are you looking for insitutions to test? Is there a test document? Penn State and Princeton have been testing but they're happy to walk through testing with anyone who has a Valkerie appication in development. 

  • They will be reporting on this sprint more at the tech call next week, and sending out info about the release for anyone interested.

Facilitator: Daniel Coughlin
Notetaker: Esmé Cowles

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