May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017


Hydra Partners Call (May 2017)
Friday, May 12, 2017
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr 

Meeting number: 737 192 431 
Meeting password:h9cwrT45

Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
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+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 737 192 431 

Facilitator: pbinkley
Notetaker: arouner


  1. Welcome to newcomer's (1-2 min.) No roll call, but please add your name to attendees list below.
  2. Facilitator and notetaker for June 9th, 2017 Call and call for future presenters (1-2 min) 
    • Carolyn Caizzi agreed to lead; Peter Binkley agreed to be note-taker
  3. Do we need a #partners Slack channel?
  4. There was a lack of consensus, with one person suggesting it might be valuable and another expressing concern at multiplying Slack channels.
  5. Partner Roles/Decision Making WG update - Binkley
    • There was a lack of consensus, one commenting that it might be useful, another suggesting multiplying Slack channels can be problematic
      • List of functions for the Hydra community (different tasks, jobs, responsibilities)
      • List of roles for the Hydra Community (Hydra community members represented at what we felt was the most useful level)
      • CAIRO matrix representing to the best of our understanding the current responsibilities / accountabilities (we got as far as dev work and dev planning for Hyrax)

Because the group was quite small, we thought it would be best to continue this work by:

      • Writing up a brief paragraph or two about what this exercise has revealed as far as gaps in accountability, responsibility, and missing roles (Sonya and Mike G to work on this and share out before we meet again)
      • Reconvening the group to hash out what we think a higher-level CAIRO matrix should look like (using the "to-be" tab on the CAIRO matrix spreadsheet) 

We think this should give us the basis for developing a working model for Hydra governance and decision making. 

We meet again soon (likely late next week).

from Notetaker:

  • This group came out of a discussion at LCDX/Hydra Partners meeting about the needs of the community
  • The goal is to improve sustainability of the community and organization and management of our shared work
  • Some of the issues include:
    • churn, and the lack of dedicated resources/FTEs—there's a fairly small group doing the coding 
    • the informal roadmap makes it difficult to know what’s coming and to plan work
  • Some of the core needs are: a roadmap of community work, and a process to create that roadmap
  • There has been discussion of the possibility of creating an FT position as some other communities have,
  • but also concern about how this (and other changes being discussed) might change the spirit of the community
  • There has also been discussion of possibly formalizing partner contributions or just formalizing contributions to sprints,
  • in response to a general sense core work needs to be more shared, because there's a fairly small group doing the coding
  • The group recognizes this needs to be presented to broader group.  They will come back with proposal to partners and it is hoped this will create more effective community structure as we enter into new phase.
  • Timeline for this documentation/proposal is late May/ early June.

  • 5. Add topic ...


arouner (WUSTL)

pbinkley (Alberta)

Richard Green (Hull)

Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)

Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford)

Chris Awre (Hull)

Leah (Alberta)

shanita (DCE)

bess (DCE)

sonya.betz (Alberta)

Margaret Mellinger (Oregon Digital)

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