May 13, 2016
May 13, 2016
Hydra Partners Call (May 2016) |
Friday, May 13, 2016 |
11:30 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 1 hr |
Meeting number: | 738 605 799 |
Meeting password: | VBjSQ583 |
Join from a video conferencing system or application |
Dial 738605799@tufts.webex.com |
Join by phone |
+1-617-627-6767 US Toll |
Access code: 738 605 799 |
Facilitator: Karen Cariani (WGBH)
Notetaker: Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern)
- 11:30am – quick discussion about the new partner call format
- next month call: facilitator and note taker
- What we might do different to generate agenda items
- 11:45am – Declan Fleming’s group at UCSD will give a 10min report on their Hydra activities
- 12:00pm – Julie Hardesty will report on work being done by the Metadata working group
- 12:10pm – brainstorm session for potential topics, and speakers for a Hydra webinar series through DuraSpace
- 12:30pm – adjourn, if not sooner
- Mike Giarlo (Stanford)
- wgcowan (Indiana University)
- Mike Korcynski (Tufts University)
- asconrad (Deactivated) (Royal Library)
- Don Brower (Notre Dame)
- Margaret Mellinger (Oregon Digital - Oregon State University)
- Eben English (Boston Public Library)
- Fleming, Declan (Deactivated) (UCSD)
- Julie Allinson
- Glen Horton (Cincinnati)
- Nabeela Jaffer (Michigan)
- John Weise (Michigan)
13. Eric James (Yale)
Event Recording
New partner call format description: see Karen Cariani’s email to list
Add names to wiki
June 10 next call—may be light because of Open Repositories
Facilitator: Will Cowan
Notetaker: Chris Awre
How to encourage people to come up with agenda items?
-Pick working groups to report in
-Ask Steering Committee for agenda items
-Facilitator could call upon their network, directly ask colleagues
UCSD report
-DAMS system: Legacy-RDF custom code, AJAX front end. Been refactoring for last 2-3 years, looked at Islandora and Hydra; moved to Hydra, still have RDF back end, shim in place
-Digital Collections app- linked data aware, and complex object aware, not a self-deposit repository like Sufia
-Working with community on data modeling; focusing on descriptive now, previously
-Hosted a Dev Congress- a gem for SHARE came out of this congress
-Fedora4 migration is being tested
-CuratonConcerns or Sufia level development is a question still being explored
-Working with DevOps, moving away from Bamboo
-Storing objects in Fedora was discussed at the high level since UCSD is using Hydra as a front end for their DAMS, but Fedora is not on the backend.
-Merging CurationConcerns and Sufia back together is still open as a question that will be discussed more in the architecture working group.
-Is there some more documentation for CurationConcerns that is more friendly for less dev centric folks?
Not much apart from the ReadMe. Discussion about whether to form a tightly scoped working group for documentation. Be sure to loop in Jon Stroop at Princeton.
Metadata Working Group update (see wiki for meeting notes)
-3 groups: Technical, Rights, and Structural, all completed work last year.
-Baseline recommendations for technical, rights for Hydra apps.
-Structural group documented the current landscape.
-Descriptive is still active—best practices, metadata profile baseline.
Descriptive Subgroups: MODS and RDF. MODS working on crosswalks to RDF. Active development example.
-Applied linked data is active—exploring fragments, may be dissolving
-New working sub group, URI Management—first meeting will be next week. Working on recommendations on maintaining URIs.
-Slack Channel created for Metadata Working Group
DuraSpace Webinar Series about Hydra ideas for content
-Collecting what is already out there would be helpful as opposed to new content
-Server environments needed to support a Hydra application
-Explanation of points of departure from out of box functionality and decision making process about why
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