July 8, 2016

July 8, 2016


Hydra Partners Call (July 2016)
Friday, July 8, 2016 
11:30 am  |  Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)  |  1 hr 
Meeting number:  739 224 320 
Meeting password: h9cwrT45
Join from a video conferencing system or application
Dial  738605799@tufts.webex.com
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+1-617-627-6767 US Toll
Access code: 739 224 320

Facilitator: Linda Newman

Notetaker: Julie Allinson

DRAFT Agenda

  • 11:30 – 11:32    Call for facilitator and note taker, next Partner Call  (please add your name to attendees list below)
  • 11:32 – 11:35    Changes to this agenda
  • 11:35 – 11:45    Recaps of recent meetings
    • OR 2016 - 13-16 June 2016 - recap and highlights
    • Hydra Virtual Connect 2016 - 7 July 2016 - recap and impressions of the first Virtual Hydra Connect
  • 11:45 – 11:55    Hydra Connect 2016 Planning and Program updates –  See  Hydra Connect 2016 and  Suggestions for HC2016 program 
    • The Program Committee have got a lot of suggested items for the main program, almost certainly more than can be accommodated.  If you still have ideas to contribute, please add them to the suggestions page before eob 15th July.  Contributions after this time are much less likely to make the cut.  Ideas for lightning talks and unconference breakouts will be requested nearer the time of the conference.  And, yes, we will be asking that each institution represented contribute a poster if at all possible - details soon.
  • 11:55 – 12:15    Community call – what do we want to see next in the Sufia stack (Sufia, CurationConcerns, other components and plugins)  (Mike Giarlo, Linda Newman)
  • 12:15 – 12:25   Topics for Open discussion and/or Reports:
    • Hydra in a Box 
    • Other?
  • 12:25 – 12:30 Upcoming Calendar Events: 

Attendees (Please add your own name)

  1. newmanld (University of Cincinnati)
  2. Julie Allinson (University of York)
  3. Richard Green (University of Hull)
  4. Mark Bussey (Data Curation Experts)
  5. Shanita John (Data Curation Experts)
  6. Michael Joseph Giarlo (Stanford University)
  7. Carolyn Caizzi (Northwestern University)
  8. Mike Korcynski (Tufts University)
  9. evviva (Northwestern University)
  10. Jon Stroop (Princeton University)
  11. Chris Awre (University of Hull)
  12. Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)
  13. Fleming, Declan (Deactivated) (UCSD)
  14. Maria Whitaker (Indiana)
  15. Margaret Mellinger (Oregon Digital) 
  16. Rick Johnson (U of Notre Dame)
  17. kestlundEstlund (Penn State)


  1. matienzo (DPLA; will be late)


Event Recording

Next meeting: 12 August 2016
Facilitator: Mark Bussey
Notetaker: Mike (Tufts)

OR 2016 Recap

  • Richard Green / Karen Estlund - clear interest among DSpace users for migrating to HyBox and Hydra generally, BoF session held; Nabeela - follow-up meeting since OR
  • Declan - lots of interest in PCDM session from both Hydra/Islandora
  • Richard Green - interest in integration - Vivo and Symplectic both interested

Hydra Virtual Connect 2016

  • Linda - very useful; longer break would have been good
  • Nabeela - separate chat channel would have been good ; liked the lightening talks
  • Karen E - supportive environment - thanks to organisers
  • Richard G - would have like to see the speakers - can we try video next time?
  • Tufts - good for those who aren't heavily involved in Hydra to drop in
  • Mark Bussey - can partner calls be a mini-version as they have been in the last few ones? with 12 month or 6 monthly HVCs
  • Jon Stroop - questioned choice of longer sessions - he felt there were better talks at OR and we should consider a different way of selecting talks (JA noted that this was partly due to timescale this year)
  • Declan - consistency of messages as a good thing - those deeply involved might think eg. PCDM work has been done to death, but others are less involved so find it useful to know work is ongoing

Hydra Connect

Get ideas in ASAP as things are filling up fast
Unconfernece and lightning talk sessions have not been forgotten

Please get in touch with the Steering Group, if only for an informal chat at this stage, if your institution might be prepared to host Connect 2017.

Community call – what do we want to see next in Sufia
What do people want in Sufia/CC/HW/PCDM in the next 12 months? How do we build that for everyone?

Mediated deposit work is a good model.

Linda - outlined draft list of features for Cincinnati (i.e. features Cincinnati has in Curate that, if not present in Sufia 7.x, would be a Cincinnati priority to add - no assumption on Cincinnati's part that there is community interest in all, or in community priorities):

  • DOI (contributor option)
  • Multiple work types
  • Repo manager feature (basically just a 'super user'.  More articulated repo management functionality would be welcomed by local stakeholders.)
  • Versions exposed in UI (allows file owner to choose to revert to earlier versions)
  • Trigger emails on events
  • CC license chooser 
  • ORCID integration (in production with Notre Dame Curate, in development at Cincinnati)
  • IIIF display of images (using Loris and Open Sea Dragon)

Can be difficult to be community-centric when local demands dictate, but we should try!

Surfacing use cases is really important, Architecture group needs to know what community are building, and also to think about where things fit, eg. new gem or embedded in existing stack

How do we actually make community projects happen? Is this a role for the partner calls? (Yes!)

Let's stop only talking about 'Sufia' - important to think about the Hydra stack (or Fedora). In fact, important to describe what the feature is, before thinking about where it fits in the stack. Sufia has a product owner, Hydra does not which is partly why 'Sufia' becomes a proxy for the stack.

Add to agenda to next call, for Mike to update on this noting that is not just 'Sufia'.

Agreed that the 'sharing out' part of the calls should continue with all partners presenting on some aspect of their work each year.


Attending to some other dev work, coming back to HyBox August - November. Keen for people to work with them on the stack. Hoping to do a product pilot later this year, want people to test bulk loading tools, and on ease of installation/maintenance. In 2017, pilot hosted service will launch.


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