2025-02-21 Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes
@Karen Cariani
@Aaron Collier
@Kirsten Leonard - regrets
@Kate Lynch
@Emily Lynema
@Alicia Morris
@Robin Ruggaber
@david.schober- regrets
@Paul Walk
@Heather Greer Klein
@Nick Steinwachs (first five minutes of meeting)
Changes to the agenda
Quick introduction of Nick Steinwachs from Notch8
Nick and Molly acquired the impressive long term software team Rob built at Notch8/SoftServ.
Impact of the current US Federal Government executive orders - any thoughts, reflections, things you’ve heard or seen locally. This was on the Repository Management IG agenda this week. At this time unclear impacts across organizations and institutions. A lot of waiting to see.
MOU for receiving training funds from Sustaining Hyku grant
This is for the grant portion of the planned Hyra/Hyku developer training offering; Samvera will make the contract for training directly
Will clarify section b of the appendix and date, and where to invoice, and share via Slack, otherwise the Board approved to move forward with MOU and invoicing.
Request for a Slack channel for HykuUp users/other hosted service users
These hosted service users would like a place to chat together
Support for public channels for hosted users, can offer this to any hosted service provider
Channel formatting will be #user-group-[service name]
Statement of support for a global research ecosystem
Seems like it is less action-oriented and more of a statement. Not clear that this is something that is geared to our kind of community, but more to funders.
No strong feelings, will wait and revisit this at the Partner meeting
Request for information for for developer training - reviewing comments, finalizing draft
In the US context an RFI is the more flexible option; more formal part of the tendering process in the UK, but that is not our intention here.
Heather will finalize and share in Slack
Letter for University of Maryland Avalon IMLS grant
Can invite them to Partners calls for updates if they get the grant.
Heather will share the draft with Kate at UM
Letter of support request from PALNI/PACI for Investing Together grant
PALCI, in collaboration with Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI), PALNI, and BTAA, is applying for a two-year National Implementation grant from U.S. IMLS to engage library consortia in a participatory action-based project to articulate, align, and advance the collective investments made by US consortia in open infrastructure.
The project aims to produce: 1) a comprehensive landscape analysis of active engagements with open infrastructure by US consortia; 2) coalition-building workshops to cultivate trust, buy-in, and reciprocity while producing and formalizing up to three collaborative consortial investment models in specific open infrastructures; and 3) advancement of up to three concrete investment models by participating consortia through direct proposals to and negotiations with their memberships.
The project will result in crucial new investment models to advance the investment in and adoption of open infrastructure across networks of libraries and to alleviate the fiscal precarity and sustainability challenges faced by these entities.
Board approved a letter of support, Heather will draft and share via Slack next week
Review the draft ordered agenda
Virtual attendee lead for each day - anything specific to ask of them re:facilitation? Will make sure virtual attendees are well integrated into the meeting
Other items/Board priorities for the year
Exit/reflection outgoing PO interview for Rebekah Kati is scheduled
Other Updates
Status of moving cash reserves to higher interest account - on agenda for finance subcommittee
community repository upgrade work from SoftServ/Notch-8 expected to be invoiced by the end of April
Monthly status checks
New/potential Partners
OR2025 - Hyku panel not accepted, but Repository Showdown accepted
Virtual Connect 2025 - CFP out Monday
Connect 2025
Partner calls
Components fundraising campaign
Date of next Board meeting: March 20th (after Partner meeting)