SB notes 27th May 2022

SB notes 27th May 2022



  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair)

  2. Esmé Cowles (Chair-elect)

  3. Hannah Frost

  4. Harriett Green

  5. Nabeela Jaffer

  6. Brian McBride

  7. Rosalyn Metz

  8. Alicia Morris 

  9. Simeon Warner 


  • Heather Greer Klein – regrets, on flight home from Code4Lib


  1. Changes to the agenda

    1. Product owner for Hyrax

    2. Board meeting at Connect 22? When? Option for virtual attendance is requested.

  2. Partner contributions review

    1. Should we have a level – associate, supporter, affiliate – for those institutions that contribute at some level other than partner, either in terms of money or participation. Call this out at Connect, possibly web site.

    2. Can we establish the notion of “partnership suspension” or grace period when institution cannot pay dues level for one year (or two?) but they have every intention to pay full amount when they can in the near term.

    3. This should go into the by-laws so it is clear what this means in terms of rights (voting, board) - ACTION ITEM. Look at doing this in the fall.

      1. A suggestion for bylaw change: Between 1 & 2 in appendix A of Samvera Bylaws

        We acknowledge that institutions experience unexpected organizational and financial changes that may temporarily affect their ability to pay Partner dues.  If a Partner is unable to pay dues their partnership, and rights associated with partnership, will be suspended for one year. Full partnership will be restored on payment of dues the following year. If dues are not paid for a second year then their Partner status will be revoked.

  3. Catalog of Open Infrastructure Services

    1. @Alicia Morris June 20 deadline for submitting interest. Yay or Nay?

    2. Opportunity for visibility, awareness. This is just a solicitation of interest, so we are not committing to anything right now.

    3. ACTION ITEM: let’s all review and raise any questions or concerns. Deadline - June 8

    4. https://investinopen.org/research/catalog/

    5. Is this for Samvera or for every product Hyrax/Hyku/Avalon? Maybe we can talk to them about restructuring the catalog structure.

    6. What is the goal of the catalog? Is it about finding tools, communities, something else? Let’s ask them.

    7. Rosy to email with our questions.

  4. Outcomes from Partners Meeting (Notes here)

    1. Thoughts/impressions? Next 2 agenda items are outcomes.

  5. Sustainability funding discussion for Partners

    1. Draft Report from the activity - still needs fleshing out. Rosy asks, how do we want to do the other decision resulting from the first activity, “Engage in another partner discussion regarding how we might generate additional revenue streams.”?

      1. Partner meeting on June 10?

      2. At partner meeting at Connect 2022?

      3. Or ask ITAV to facilitate? – we want to do the TECH issues with them

  6. Research Data WG Charter

    1. @Brian McBride is taking the lead here. Johannes Frenzel from Ruhr University in Germany got in touch with Heather, wants to be part of this WG when it is chartered.

  7. Hyrax Product Owner

    1. Do we want to offer payment to candidates?

      1. Can we afford it - would need a strategy for sustaining that

      2. Rationale for paying a tech lead now – we want it to be a community wide, full time role, but can’t afford that. This is a priority because we need to get over current hump

      3. This may be a messaging issue, so it is clear that we are doing this as a stop gap. Once we have a Samvera Tech Lead funded and staffed, the Hyrax tech lead will not be a paid position.

      4. Watch the language too: “community funded” vs “Institutionally contributed”

    2. Current expressions of interest: could they divide up work to cover it, with one taking lead on decision making?

      1. Both talk to Julie H, maybe also HMWG. They assess/vet and make a recommendation to the Board

  8. Updates

    1. Partner payments – 13 invoices paid

    2. Hyrax Tech Lead – working on payment agreement. Starting on July 1.

    3. Dev Congress/ Rails upgrade – Great progress on testing and addressing issues for BL7/Bootstrap4/Rails6 upgrade – see notes from the wrap up. This work has continued this week in the HMWG with help from the Emory team.

      1. for the bl7bootstrap4 branch, we have closed 35 issues and have 11 issues currently open: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22bootstrap+4+upgrade+dev+congress%22 only one of those issues is showing as a priority (getting in the way of functionality)

      2. we also have a new branch that is applying the rails6 update to the bl7bootstrap4 update: https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/tree/bl7boot4rails6 Julie expects to get to the point today where that rails6 branch is passing enough tests that we can merge it back into the bl7bootstrap4 branch and we’ll be ready to feature test that to see what breaking issues remain. The start of our next HMWG sprint is hopefully when we’ll be able to have Northwestern folks join us to finish up any outstanding UI issues. If possible, they want to get a beta release out before june 1 but it still might have issues that really need to be corrected before a full release is possible

      3. One problem that appeared is that there was an assumption that DCE helps maintain nurax-dev. Mark B noted in Slack that they only host it and do not maintain it. Julie is bringing that to a future tech call to work out who can and should manage and maintain it.

    4. Hyrax valkyrization – a lot of work from Lynette and tamsin was done in Lynette’s last week.

      1. From Julie:

      2. The nurax-pg testing spreadsheet hasn’t been updated since May 13 but we are over halfway on the passing tests: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_eGSAtwWwR-0XUQo0PFtCtWbJ34YPres/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104440614314761597069&rtpof=true&sd=true

      3. collections nesting and sharing are still blocked with open issues and works still has a significant number of tests failing

      4. nurax-pg could use another round of testing to review all of these for updates but since the issues are still open there’s still work to be done. Some issues are closed on the Works tab so my guess is that some of those fails are passing now but we would need to test to update

      5. HMWG can’t focus on this until the Rails work is complete

    5. Connect 2022 –

      1. Two workshops so far: Getting started with Hyrax on Docker (Julie); Samvera Technologies 101 (Heather)

        1. Would really like to see at least two more workshops. Reached out to Bess Sadler about Valkyrie workshop but she isn’t able to commit to it

        2. Let’s ask Daniel if he can do Valkyrie. Esme offers to help/contribute - all but the technical bits. Ask

      2. Notre Dame is working on the budget, will share when it is complete

      3. Heather will be asking the budget committee to cover costs for supplies (lanyards etc) and to have a t-shirt design created.

      4. Presentation CFP will go out within the next two weeks.

      5. Registration will open by the week of June 6th. ND investigating how much they could cover for scholarships

  9. Julie Allinson Award – award committee is in place. Heather will work with them to get a timeline and a call for nominations reviewed and sent.

  10. Misc


Items for next Partner call:

  • Rosy can report out on sustainability activities from last Partner Meeting.

  • Announce Tech Lead, remind people about how/why this is funded.

Date of next meeting: June 24th


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