2024-10-14 Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes

2024-10-14 Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes

4pm ET, at Princeton University and via Zoom


@Karen Cariani

@Aaron Collier

@Kirsten Leonard

@Kate Lynch

@Emily Lynema

@Alicia Morris

@Robin Ruggaber



@Heather Greer Klein

@Esmé Cowles



  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Board Election

    1. Reach out so we can get nominations! Need one new person for sure

  3. 2024 and 2025 budget

    1. What do we want to invest in for 2025; making developer training happen

      1. $12,500 in the budget for training scholarships for developers

      2. Want to make sure we articulate the investment in the community

      3. Not going to hold reimbursement funds for Tech lead this year, taking a different approach

    2. Heather will leave for the COLA part of this

  4. Community metrics - see Partner call

    1. How to prove value outside of lines of code

    2. How to talk about a mature product - what is the story about investment in a stable system

    3. Bug fixes, dependancies, milestones. Something big to highlight the milesstones and maintenance.

    4. User engagement in groups, wiki, Slack. Not just one per institution.

    5. Both growth of the community of adopters, and activity in the community

    6. Administrators have an odd sense of comfort with big name companies, and see that as inherently sustainable. Strong service provider community helps.

    7. Will put together an end of year story about our metrics, develop an infographic, and work on a new way to display implementers list. Get quotes from deans, administrators other leaders, Tom Cramer.

    8. There is real value in the community aspect of Samvera. There is a reason that NU puts their tools in Samvera.

    9. Put out a call to partner to really connect their work back to Samvera. Outreach and engagement will work on this, putting together resources differently to make that as easy as possible.

    10. We could designate target numbers that we tie to our strategies, but we don’t want to arbitrarily set number goals. More like, what do we need to have? Releases, investment dollars and staff, counting hours of contributions within the community and talking about this in the language of investment.

    11. Think about how many Partners we would need to have a technical coordinator, and if there is a way to talk about that long term goal.

    12. IMLS grant includes an economist to look at total cost of ownership for Hyku that could be useful

    13. We’re not a single thing, we have the strength of a highly diversified portfolio of technologies in our community. We see growth in other areas.

    14. Get a step in place for Partnership, asking for contributions on the way to Partnership, and we highlight these on our website.

    15. How would it change our budget if component users all gave us $500 a year?

  5. Regional meetings reflections

  6. December meeting - scheduled for December 20th

    1. Will remove from our calendar, schedule an ad hoc meeting if needed but likely will get everything done in Nov meeting

  7. Components fundraising campaign for 2025

  8. Connect 2025 - beginning planning

  9. Other Updates

    1. Hyrax Tech Lead developments - talking to IU about filling the role for 1 year, and recruiting someone for a “vice tech lead” role to take that for 2026.

    2. Heather meeting with ReShare and Islandora about the Samvera process as they both look to hire community positions

    3. 2024 invoice payments

    4. Latest on potential new Partners and adopters

    5. community repository upgrade work from SoftServ

  10. Date of next Board meeting: November 15th