SG monthly call 20 December 2019

SG monthly call 20 December 2019


  • Julie Allinson
  • Chris Awre
  • Carolyn Caizzi
  • Jon Dunn  (Chair)
  • Hannah Frost
  • Rosalyn Metz 
  • Robin Ruggaber
  • Simeon Warner
  • John Weise
  • Richard Green

  1. Changes to the agenda
  2. Status checks
    1. January f2f agenda and arrangements (All)
      Fashion into an agenda in early Jan
    2. Spring Partner Meeting (RM)
      1. Venue and dates
        1. Possible dates for large room at Emory: April 21-22, 27-28, 28-29
          Go for Monday 27-Tuesday 28 April
          Send out email to Partners immediately following cal(tick)
      2. Steering f2f - when?
        8:00 on the Tuesday ahead of a 9:00 start for the meeting
    3. Lyrasis overhead figures for potential Community Manager post clarified?  (JD)
      1. For the moment, use the info linked above to work up financial projections.
    4. Updated financial projection in time for January f2f (waiting on 2c) (RG)
    5. Tech job description (JA)
    6. Backup fiscal sponsor (JD)
      1. No update
    7. URI Selection WG (JA)
      Still some work to do to test the approach agreed at Connect.
    8. California Consumer Privacy Act (HF)
      Affects mainly 'for profits'. .  Need to determine if/how this affects our relationships with Service Providers.
    9. Creating a Mission Statement (HF)
      Coordinate to further this on a Marketing WG call.
    10. Hyrax PO (JA)
      No-one has volunteered. Really need some names before the dev congress in San Diego at the end of January.  Roadmap Council have this covered for now.
    11. Connect 2019 (RG)
      1. Anticipated surplus is significantly less than sponsorship income
        Seeking further detail to inform future conference planning.
    12. Connect 2020 (RG)
      Meeting fixed for early January
    13. Connect 2021 (RG)
      1. Proposed dates at ND Oct. 18-21 with Partner meeting on Sun 17 Oct
        Steering is essentially behind this proposal but concerned about a Sunday Partner meeting.  Work with ND to 'squash' the conference.
    14. January Partner ballot (RG)
      1. Status check
        All in hand
      2. 'Duraspace' vote - Erin on maternity leave
        Alternative voter identified.
    15. Documents for the Sloan Foundation (JD & RG)
      1. Revised (considerably shortened) overview
        Add up all the past grants that enhance Samvera directly and add 'totalling more than' to the text.
      2. Covering letter
        In hand
    16. Partner Prospectus (RR, SW, RG)
      Steering asked to comment on text.
    17. 'Past grants' pages on wiki (RG)
    18. Anything for the next Partner call (January 10th) (All)

  3. Slack owners / admins - should we have one (or more) owners / admins from Steering? (JA)
    Transfer primary ownership, add another Steerer as owner, clean up the rest to leave only active participants

  4. Feedback from CNI (CC, JD)
    Went well.  Video of Cliff Lynch's address online: 

  5. Support of Code4Lib conference (aka table at) (CA)
    1. See https://2019.code4lib.org/prospectus/
      Pay $500 for a table if we know there will be Samvera folks around to staff it.

  6. Updating Samvera website - Partners list (CA)
    The website footer is the definitive list of Partners. 

  7. Date of next call
    Friday January 24th (as a brief, last minute check-in before the f2f - or cancel?)
    1. Jon will be unavailable
      Cancel call on 24th.
      Date of next call 28th February - iCAL sent for period February - July (tick)

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