SG monthly call 26 July 2019
SG monthly call 26 July 2019
- Julie Allinson
- Chris Awre
- Carolyn Caizzi
Jon Dunn(Chair-Elect) (apologies)Mike Giarlo(apologies)- Richard Green (Chair)
Rosalyn Metz(apologies)Robin Ruggaber (apologies)- John Weise
Steering members from 1st August
- Hannah Fost
- Simeon Warner
- Welcome Hannah and Simeon
- Changes to the agenda
- Group status checks
- Partner call
- Visioning process
Work is till proceeding on this. It will be presented on the next Partner call (9th August) - October Partner Meeting - Co-chair
Richard will do this in his new role of Operations Officer
- Visioning process
- Roadmap Council
RC will discuss the Hyrax PO situation before Steering's extraordinary call on the matter so there will be some input from them - Fundraising WG
- Steering received an update on this year's fundraising. Fundraising WG to monitor and contact Partners who have not so far contributed (some may not have been asked yet)
- Phase 2 Contribution Model WG
The draft report has been further updated but still needs more work: a number of additional points for consideration were raised
- Partner call
- Other status checks
- GDPR statement
Still no feedback. May need to consider a different legal adviser. - Backup fiscal sponsor
NTR in Jon's absence - URI selection WG
SG will try to move things forward - Connect 2019
All 'under control' although presentation/panel submissions seem very slow even by our 'last-minute' standards - Anti-harassment policy
NTR at this stage - 'Not a Community White Paper'
Proceeding (slowly!) - Product owner for Hyrax (noting extraordinary call on 8/8 to discuss this)
SG will assemble and consider some background material before the call. - Hiring Richard in support role
Financing arrangements proceeding. - Notch8 Partnership
All complete - Elections-related
- 30 Partners voted
Some of the non-voting Partners will be contacted and gently reminded of the vote's importance. Some non-responses were for reasons understood. - Chair Elect for 2019/20 - process?
Seek nominations by email. Ideally the person elected needs to be sure of their place on Steering during the period they will be Chair - 2020/2021
- 30 Partners voted
- GDPR statement
- New MoU arrangements with LYRASIS
Proceeding satisfactorily. - Permanent position(s) (deferred from previous call)
Small subcommittee to draft job descriptions for Community and Tech roles as next stage. Process needs to go hand-in-hand with the CMWG#2 work and with the Hyrax PO job description.
Drafts will need to go to Partners for agreement no later than at the October Partner meeting but preferably sooner. - Expectations of Partners
- This item is intended to put down a marker for discussion in a later meeting rather than today.
- This item is intended to put down a marker for discussion in a later meeting rather than today.
- Thanks
- from all of us to Mike Giarlo (in his absence!) for his years of service on Steering
- from the 'Chair' for the Group's close support over the past year
- Date, time, length of future meetings
- Should fourth Friday at 8.00am PT, 10.00am Central, 11.00am ET, 4.00pm UK become the monthly norm, meeting for up to 90 minutes?
- Dates of next meetings
Thursday 8th August 8.30am PT, 10.30am Central, 11.30am ET, 4.30pm UK - single item agenda to discuss Hyrax PO vacancy
Friday 23 August
Friday 27 September
Tuesday 22 October (see below) - When should steering meet around Connect?
Meet for lunch on Tuesday 10/22 and then meet through the afternoon.