SG monthly call 26 July 2019

SG monthly call 26 July 2019


  • Julie Allinson
  • Chris Awre
  • Carolyn Caizzi
  • Jon Dunn  (Chair-Elect) (apologies)
  • Mike Giarlo (apologies)
  • Richard Green  (Chair)
  • Rosalyn Metz  (apologies)
  • Robin Ruggaber (apologies)
  • John Weise
    Steering members from 1st August
  • Hannah Fost
  • Simeon Warner


  1. Welcome Hannah and Simeon

  2. Changes to the agenda

  3. Group status checks
    1. Partner call
      1. Visioning process
        Work is till proceeding on this.  It will be presented on the next Partner call (9th August)
      2. October Partner Meeting - Co-chair 
        Richard will do this in his new role of Operations Officer
    2. Roadmap Council
      RC will discuss the Hyrax PO situation before Steering's extraordinary call on the matter so there will be some input from them
    3. Fundraising WG
      1. Steering received an update on this year's fundraising.  Fundraising WG to monitor and contact Partners who have not so far contributed (some may not have been asked yet)
    4. Phase 2 Contribution Model WG
      The draft report has been further updated but still needs more work: a number of additional points for consideration were raised

  4. Other status checks
    1. GDPR statement
      Still no feedback.  May need to consider a different legal adviser.
    2. Backup fiscal sponsor
      NTR in Jon's absence
    3. URI selection WG
      SG will try to move things forward
    4. Connect 2019
      All 'under control' although presentation/panel submissions seem very slow even by our 'last-minute' standards
    5. Anti-harassment policy
      NTR at this stage
    6. 'Not a Community White Paper'
      Proceeding (slowly!)
    7. Product owner for Hyrax (noting extraordinary call on 8/8 to discuss this)
      SG will assemble and consider some background material before the call.
    8. Hiring Richard in support role
      Financing arrangements proceeding.
    9. Notch8 Partnership
      All complete
    10. Elections-related
      1. 30 Partners voted
        Some of the non-voting Partners will be contacted and gently reminded of the vote's importance.  Some non-responses were for reasons understood.
      2. Chair Elect for 2019/20 - process?
        Seek nominations by email.  Ideally the person elected needs to be sure of their place on Steering during the period they will be Chair - 2020/2021

  5. New MoU arrangements with LYRASIS
    Proceeding satisfactorily.

  6. Permanent position(s) (deferred from previous call)
    Small subcommittee to draft job descriptions for Community and Tech roles as next stage.  Process needs to go hand-in-hand with the CMWG#2 work and with the Hyrax PO job description.  
    Drafts will need to go to Partners for agreement no later than at the October Partner meeting but preferably sooner.
  7. Expectations of Partners
    1. This item is intended to put down a marker for discussion in a later meeting rather than today.

  8. Thanks
    1. from all of us to Mike Giarlo (in his absence!) for his years of service on Steering
    2. from the 'Chair' for the Group's close support over the past year

  9. Date, time, length of future meetings
    1. Should fourth Friday at 8.00am PT, 10.00am Central, 11.00am ET, 4.00pm UK become the monthly norm, meeting for up to 90 minutes?
    2. Dates of next meetings
      Thursday 8th August 8.30am PT, 10.30am Central, 11.30am ET, 4.30pm UK - single item agenda to discuss Hyrax PO vacancy
      Friday 23 August
      Friday 27 September
      Tuesday 22 October (see below)
    3. When should steering meet around Connect?
      Meet for lunch on Tuesday 10/22 and then meet through the afternoon.

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