SG monthly call 22 March 2019

SG monthly call 22 March 2019


    • Julie Allinson
    • Chris Awre
    • Carolyn Caizzi (apologies)
    • Jon Dunn  (Chair-Elect)
    • Mike Giarlo
    • Richard Green  (Chair)
    • Rosalyn Metz
    • Robin Ruggaber
    • John Weise

  1. Changes to Agenda

  2. Group status checks
    1. Partner call
      1. There were no matters arising from the Partner call
    2. Roadmap Council
      1. Roadmap Council has published its technical white paper. 
    3. Fundraising WG
      1. Interim report on seeking sponsorship for Samvera Connect imminent.
    4. Phase 2 Contribution Model Working Group
      1. Very active at the moment.

  3. Other status checks (mainly a checklist for tracking purposes)
    1. Updates were received about
      1. GDPR statement - awaiting legal endorsement.
      2. Samvera Annual Report 2018 - Essentially complete.  Expect publication next week.
      3. Changes to the Samvera Partners' Memorandum of Understanding to reflect the new governance structure - essentially complete. Expect publication of new document in the next couple of weeks.
      4. Partner changes - one new Partnership being processed
      5. SG contribution to April Partner meeting
      6. Finding a "backup" fiscal sponsor in case DuraSpace could no longer continue in this role - discussions still in progress
      7. Proposals from URI Selection WG - awaiting further information from URI WG
      8. Potential website updates - in progress - work to gather and publish some profiles about to start
      9. Creating an up-to-date list of active WGs and IGs - Community to be consulted next week
      10. Planning for April Partner meeting - any further input from SG sought.
      11. Samvera Virtual Connect
      12. Samvera Connect 2019 - Program Committee and website to be commissioned.

  4. Potential Community Manager post
    1. Discussions are ongoing with a number of institutions about possible seed funding for this post.  Share with Partners on April 12th call.

  5. Possible Samvera repository of Connect materials
    1. Discussion of a number of options.  Agreed to accept a gratis offer from Notch8 to provide facilities.

  6. DLF Forum 2019
    1. Samvera will sponsor the 2019 Forum at the Gold level in order to get a table.
    2. Samvera will propose our introductory workshop for their workshop day.

  7. CircleCI
    1. Funding for CircleCI (to replace Travis) is approved up to an agreed ceiling.

  8. Date of next call
    1. Supposedly April 26th but this presents some problems because of its proximity to the Partner Meeting.  Doodle poll to try an find an earlier date.