SG monthly call 22 March 2019
SG monthly call 22 March 2019
- Julie Allinson
- Chris Awre
Carolyn Caizzi(apologies)- Jon Dunn (Chair-Elect)
- Mike Giarlo
- Richard Green (Chair)
- Rosalyn Metz
- Robin Ruggaber
- John Weise
- Changes to Agenda
- Group status checks
- Partner call
- There were no matters arising from the Partner call
- Roadmap Council
- Roadmap Council has published its technical white paper.
- Fundraising WG
- Interim report on seeking sponsorship for Samvera Connect imminent.
- Interim report on seeking sponsorship for Samvera Connect imminent.
- Phase 2 Contribution Model Working Group
- Very active at the moment.
- Very active at the moment.
- Partner call
- Other status checks (mainly a checklist for tracking purposes)
- Updates were received about
- GDPR statement - awaiting legal endorsement.
- Samvera Annual Report 2018 - Essentially complete. Expect publication next week.
- Changes to the Samvera Partners' Memorandum of Understanding to reflect the new governance structure - essentially complete. Expect publication of new document in the next couple of weeks.
- Partner changes - one new Partnership being processed
- SG contribution to April Partner meeting
- Finding a "backup" fiscal sponsor in case DuraSpace could no longer continue in this role - discussions still in progress
- Proposals from URI Selection WG - awaiting further information from URI WG
- Potential website updates - in progress - work to gather and publish some profiles about to start
- Creating an up-to-date list of active WGs and IGs - Community to be consulted next week
- Planning for April Partner meeting - any further input from SG sought.
- Samvera Virtual Connect
- Samvera Connect 2019 - Program Committee and website to be commissioned.
- Updates were received about
- Potential Community Manager post
- Discussions are ongoing with a number of institutions about possible seed funding for this post. Share with Partners on April 12th call.
- Discussions are ongoing with a number of institutions about possible seed funding for this post. Share with Partners on April 12th call.
- Possible Samvera repository of Connect materials
- Discussion of a number of options. Agreed to accept a gratis offer from Notch8 to provide facilities.
- Discussion of a number of options. Agreed to accept a gratis offer from Notch8 to provide facilities.
- DLF Forum 2019
- Samvera will sponsor the 2019 Forum at the Gold level in order to get a table.
- Samvera will propose our introductory workshop for their workshop day.
- CircleCI
- Funding for CircleCI (to replace Travis) is approved up to an agreed ceiling.
- Funding for CircleCI (to replace Travis) is approved up to an agreed ceiling.
- Date of next call
- Supposedly April 26th but this presents some problems because of its proximity to the Partner Meeting. Doodle poll to try an find an earlier date.