SG monthly call 22 November 2019

SG monthly call 22 November 2019


  • Julie Allinson
  • Chris Awre
  • Carolyn Caizzi
  • Jon Dunn  (Chair)
  • Hannah Frost
  • Rosalyn Metz 
  • Robin Ruggaber
  • Simeon Warner
  • John Weise
  • Richard Green

  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Group status checks
    1. Job description subcommittee Drafts for both jobs in Steering's Google Drive folder; Community Manager version as shared with Partners, here.
      1. Shared with Partners for comment (by 11/15)
        Minor amendment proposed in the rubric to remove "his/her" and replace with "their" 
      2. Rubric extended to include "hours less than full-time employment would be considered
      3. Lyrasis overhead figures clarified?
        We will contact Lyrasis.  Noted that Lyrasis are seeking a closer involvement in the affairs of some of their subsidiary organizations.
      4. Update financial projection (JD/RG)
        Awaiting final version of Contribution Model WG report - see 3j.  This projection will be available at our January f2f.
      5. Tech job description?
        Final reviewing going on

  3. Other status checks
    1. Backup fiscal sponsor
    2. URI Selection WG
      We now have the information to move this forward and will do so.
    3. GDPR
      Now on website and wiki
      Need to consider the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): 
    4. Vision statement
      Now on website and wiki
      1. Creating a Mission Statement - who?
        Arrange a call with the Marketing WG to discuss.
    5. Hyrax PO
      Document ready to go out next weekhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1r81LVMaPnyKtP0Byxe0k_dxoGQNPbcAMgPRiWZTXE08/edit#
    6. Organization of Steering winter retreat
      1. January 27 8-4, January 28 8-12, San Diego. Travel and logistics info
      2. Agenda topics
        Unordered list started.
    7. Organization of Spring Partner Meeting
      Looks like Atlanta is the best option.  Investigating rooms and dates.
    8. Connect 2020
      Call being set up with UCSB ro discuss.
    9. Connect 2021 - location?
      Awaiting a firm proposal from Notre Dame
    10. CMWG#2 report out prior to January vote?
      1. Change to contribution levels?  How does that impact our overall income?
        Long discussion about contribution levels - especially for small vendors.  Decision to leave the report 'as-is' and proceed to a vote.  Numbers can be tweaked as part of a future review if necessary,
    11. January vote - CMWG#2 report and Steering bylaws update
      RG to organize, including a check on authorized voters beforehand.
    12. Reaching out to Josh Greenberg at Sloan (and others?  See http://www.orfg.org/members)
      The introductory document will be reviewed in the light of feedback.

  4. Standing item(s)
    1. Anything for the next Partner call? Dec. 13

  5. Finance subcommittee governance
    1. See current Samvera financial governance
    2. Draft new bylaws for January f2f

  6. Expectations of Partners etc
    1. Drafting a Partner prospectus
      Try to arrange at least  a planning meeting during December.
    2. How to manage mergers, take overs, contracted services vs full partnerships.

  7. How to assemble information about past grants and how to inform (and coordinate?) future ones
    Take a similar approach to the one over production systems.  Produce a seeded list and ask others to contribute and/or correct.

  8. Cancellation of tech calls is a cause for concern
    Noted - keep under review.

  9. AOB

  10. It Takes a Village Assessment update for CNI. 
    Thanks for contributions to this.

  11. Date of next call
    1. Friday 20 December (instead of 27th)

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