SG monthly call 22 November 2019
SG monthly call 22 November 2019
- Julie Allinson
- Chris Awre
- Carolyn Caizzi
- Jon Dunn (Chair)
- Hannah Frost
- Rosalyn Metz
- Robin Ruggaber
- Simeon Warner
- John Weise
- Richard Green
- Changes to the agenda
- Group status checks
- Job description subcommittee Drafts for both jobs in Steering's Google Drive folder; Community Manager version as shared with Partners, here.
- Shared with Partners for comment (by 11/15)
Minor amendment proposed in the rubric to remove "his/her" and replace with "their" - Rubric extended to include "hours less than full-time employment would be considered
- Lyrasis overhead figures clarified?
We will contact Lyrasis. Noted that Lyrasis are seeking a closer involvement in the affairs of some of their subsidiary organizations. - Update financial projection (JD/RG)
Awaiting final version of Contribution Model WG report - see 3j. This projection will be available at our January f2f. - Tech job description?
Final reviewing going on
- Shared with Partners for comment (by 11/15)
- Job description subcommittee Drafts for both jobs in Steering's Google Drive folder; Community Manager version as shared with Partners, here.
- Other status checks
- Backup fiscal sponsor
NTR - URI Selection WG
We now have the information to move this forward and will do so. - GDPR
Now on website and wiki
Need to consider the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): - Vision statement
Now on website and wiki- Creating a Mission Statement - who?
Arrange a call with the Marketing WG to discuss.
- Creating a Mission Statement - who?
- Hyrax PO
Document ready to go out next week: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r81LVMaPnyKtP0Byxe0k_dxoGQNPbcAMgPRiWZTXE08/edit# - Organization of Steering winter retreat
- January 27 8-4, January 28 8-12, San Diego. Travel and logistics info
- Agenda topics
Unordered list started.
- Organization of Spring Partner Meeting
Looks like Atlanta is the best option. Investigating rooms and dates. - Connect 2020
Call being set up with UCSB ro discuss. - Connect 2021 - location?
Awaiting a firm proposal from Notre Dame - CMWG#2 report out prior to January vote?
- Change to contribution levels? How does that impact our overall income?
Long discussion about contribution levels - especially for small vendors. Decision to leave the report 'as-is' and proceed to a vote. Numbers can be tweaked as part of a future review if necessary,
- Change to contribution levels? How does that impact our overall income?
- January vote - CMWG#2 report and Steering bylaws update
RG to organize, including a check on authorized voters beforehand. - Reaching out to Josh Greenberg at Sloan (and others? See http://www.orfg.org/members)
The introductory document will be reviewed in the light of feedback.
- Backup fiscal sponsor
- Standing item(s)
- Anything for the next Partner call? Dec. 13
- Anything for the next Partner call? Dec. 13
- Finance subcommittee governance
- See current Samvera financial governance
- Draft new bylaws for January f2f
- See current Samvera financial governance
- Expectations of Partners etc
- Drafting a Partner prospectus
Try to arrange at least a planning meeting during December. - How to manage mergers, take overs, contracted services vs full partnerships.
- Drafting a Partner prospectus
- How to assemble information about past grants and how to inform (and coordinate?) future ones
Take a similar approach to the one over production systems. Produce a seeded list and ask others to contribute and/or correct. - Cancellation of tech calls is a cause for concern
Noted - keep under review. - AOB
- It Takes a Village Assessment update for CNI.
Thanks for contributions to this. - Date of next call
- Friday 20 December (instead of 27th)
- Friday 20 December (instead of 27th)