SG monthly call 6 November 2020

SG monthly call 6 November 2020


  • Carolyn Caizzi (Chair-elect)
  • Esmé Cowles
  • Hannah Frost
  • Kevin Kochanski
  • Brian McBride
  • Rosalyn Metz (Chair)
  • Alicia Morris 
  • Simeon Warner
  • John Weise (latter half of call)
  • Heather Greer Klein
  • Richard Green


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Status checks
    1. CoC next steps
      HF working to determine next steps and finding a new source for CoC review and Helper training. Plan for a presentation about what helpers are and do will be developed and offered to the Community.
    2. Letter of support for MorphoSource API grant re-submission
      Steering will provide a letter of support for MorphoSource API group's new submission for an IMLS NLG for Museums.

  3. Julie Allinson award
    1. Partner meeting provided good feedback and favored a committee award of funds and ensuring we can accept individual donations. This item will be discussed fully at the January Steering 'retreat' meetings.

  4. Connect On-Line wrap-up - opportunity for discussion
    Seemed to go off well.  355 people 'attended and/or spoke; wide geographical distribution.  Program Committee are organizing a survey.
    All posters, slides, video available from repository (and via the wiki).
    How do we evaluate presentations if, in future, we have more proposals than slots?  Writing up this year's process would be a good start.
    Should consider hybrid conferences where we stream, say, the plenary day only for people who cannot travel. This may have been done at past events and should be even easier to accomplish in the future.

  5. Subscribe to Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) per Heather's proposal
    Discussion of the proposal.  Decision described as a 'no-brainer'.  Unanimous approval for Google Workspace and transitioning DNS to a Samvera account.  HGK to action.

  6. Migration to free, hosted Confluence per Heather's proposal
    Discussion of proposal including questioning whether Confluence is the right option (agreed that it is). Would allow better structure of the wiki so that (eg) Steering, IG/WG. Hyrax, documentation each have their own clear space.  ArchiveSpace wiki is a good example of the possibilities here. 
    HGK and RG should go ahead with this.  Communication with the Community will be very important to ensure this is a 'net positive' despite the inevitable disruption. Will coordinate with LYRASIS to develop a timeline and share with the Community.
    Probably best to migrate the entire wiki into a space on the new version and then break it out into individual spaces.  Operating two wikis in parallel would be very difficult.
  7. Heather's priorities list through end of January
    1. HGK is developing lists of communication needs and timetables - already discussed with the Marketing Group.  Getting these things in place will enable future work on complex strategy etc.
      This three-month plan covers the time that RG is available to help.  Subsequent to that may be six-month plans if needed.
    2. Will be discussed in a presentation to Partners 11/13

  8. LYRASIS formal contacts 
    1. Designate Heather as formal LYRASIS contact per MOU
      Yes.  HGK to inform LYRAISIS.

  9. Representation of Partners at Partner Meeting
    1. Heather will prioritize contacting these Partners

  10. 2021 Fundraising Team Charter
    Rechartering a group each year is too much turnover.  Make the Finance Subcommittee responsible for wider (non contribution model) fundraising, supplemented by other invited individuals for creative ideas.
    HGK and RG to write up.

  11. Date of next meeting
    Friday 4th December - moved back one week because of U.S. Thanksgiving.

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