SG monthly call 26 June 2020

SG monthly call 26 June 2020


  • Chris Awre
  • Carolyn Caizzi
  • Jon Dunn  (Chair)
  • Hannah Frost
  • Rosalyn Metz 
  • Robin Ruggaber
  • Simeon Warner
  • John Weise
  • Richard Green


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Status checks
    1. Code of Conduct
      References have been followed up with very positive results.  Presenters are preparing for their presentation to the Partner call on 7/10 (25 minutes) and will circulate materials ahead of the event.  It is clear from their conversations that "the training breeds confidence in the process and skills".
    2. Community Manager (CM) appointment
      The search committee is moving ahead aggressively and has already had two meetings. They hope to hold phone screenings by the end of July with a view to having someone in post during September.  Need to get the job posting in front of people beyond our immediate community and the committee requested funding for a number of key placements.  Approved to $750.
    3. Technology coordinator
    4. Steering Group elections
      Votes coming in sluggishly.  We will send a targeted email to those who have not yet voted on 6/29.
    5. Connect 2020 Online
      1. Request to fund Sched $250
      2. Request to fund keynote speaker up to $?00
        Up to $500 approved.
    6. 2020 fundraising
      Some 50% of our hoped-for annual fundraising money had come in as at June 8th. Fundraising team are arranging talks with people who can advise on additional (external) funding in the current climate.  The Roadmap Council discussions/clarification will help to shape some form of "ask".  Hope to raise $50k from external sources in CY 2020.
    7. Richard Green's contract
      Discussions taking place about arranging an extension to three months following Community Manager appointment as per the agreement.

  3. Samvera Emory MOU for CM hire
    1. Approval and signing process?
      A few minor tweaks may still be needed before signing but the existing version has been checked by an Emory lawyer.  Need clarification about who owns any equipment bought for the Community Manager.

  4. Roadmap Council
    1. Debrief from 6/23 call between Steering and RMC reps
      Seems that the RMC is doing great things - the problem is people don't know about them.  CM will be crucial to getting this knowledge out.  Candidates might ideally 'meet' the RMC and so it would be really useful if RMC could set out how they feel the CM would best help their work.
      RMC charter should mention the process of aligning our products with institutional roadmaps but the product groups should be doing that too. All product reps and CM are on RMC so it is a good clearing house for information.
    2. Planning for 7/10 Partner call
      RMC reps are getting clarity around what they want to discuss in their 25 minutes.  A name change should be suggested but this will not need a Partner vote.  The CM needs adding explicitly to the membership in the Charter. Draft revised charter should be shared with Partners prior to being enacted. 

  5. Debrief from OR Repository Rodeo event
    Went well.  Future rodeos might better focus on Hyrax or Hyku rather than on the Community.

  6. Any other business
    1. Confirmed that we have a taker for the Hyrax PO role from some time in October.

  7. Date of next call
    1. Friday 24th July 0800 PDT, 1100 EDT, 1600 BST with new 2020/23 Steerers.

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