SB monthly call 26th August 2022

SB monthly call 26th August 2022



  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair)

  2. Esmé Cowles (Chair-elect)

  3. Hannah Frost

  4. Harriett Green

  5. Nabeela Jaffer

  6. Brian McBride

  7. Rosalyn Metz

  8. Alicia Morris regrets

  9. Simeon Warner 


  • Heather Greer Klein


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Samvera Connect

    1. Suggestion of an Interest Group for Conference Management and Planning instead of an annual Planning Committee. Will take a charter to the Marketing Working Group.

    2. Keynote

      1. Hannah will ask someone at Stanford who could potentially speak to the research data work starting at the White House.

  3. ITAV technology stakeholders activity results and next steps

    1. Very pleased with the level of engagement and the conversation. Overall very good.

    2. Selected three stakeholders as potential focus for 2023; see details of potential goals: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OfDY43qj6q3BGkxLtBIt9delqXBbUOVQDkhnDBKWGdY/edit?usp=sharing

      1. Public, ie end users of the technologies who are not part of the Community

        1. Does this apply across the board to all our technologies? Would we want to prioritize and what could we accomplish? Would depend on who could contribute to the work. Any tech with a UX could use this kind of work.

        2. could we encourage adopter usability studies during a set time period with shared materials? Even if individual implementations are different, there could be shared learning.

      2. Software developers w/in implementing institutions

        1. Reducing the need for specialized training came up a lot. This comes up all the time and is a tricky problem. Was due to not using common Rails work. There has been more effort to use more common tools. That’s a discussion that is ongoing about custom vs mainstream Rails development. Still value of a community framework.

        2. Should we make a goal for reducing specialized training needed for our technology stack? Using more things that others can provide training on. Would be wonderful to see what is offered for the patterns, other conferences and trainings. Can we look at how to have a bootcamp or other training ready to go when valkyrization is complete.

        3. ID retention of technical talent for Samvera Connect. ARL forum in the fall has a recruiting and retaining tech talent session on the schedule. Conversation to recruiting and retention for our community? Making career ladders for staff? A panel would be fantastic – ACTION Rosalyn will put together a panel.

        4. How can we convert them to code contributors?

      3. Code Contributors

        1. Identify the group publicly, determine who is no longer contributing and why, engage people who are contributing to labs. Who are the thought leaders in Labs who might know where our software is going next. Tamsin will be compiling a list of contributors.

        2. Increase capacity of contributors to increase contributions to Samvera.

        3. Admin level support generation: Some efforts to reach out to AULs or other decision makers, maybe rather than Deans. Ask Partners who is making the decisions? Communication plans for those decision makers.

        4. ACTION Carolyn and Heather will figure out next steps for selecting goals and discussing with Partners.

  4. Good background on Samvera tech: 2019 white paper: Roadmap_Council_State_of_Samvera_Technology_Version1.pdf

  5. Other ideas based on Partner call discussion:

    1. could we work with other OSS repositories to create a guide to strategic planning for repository implementations – questions to ask, things to consider, other resources? Is this something that could happen through Open Repositories? Heather is happy to try to plan a call with other community managers.

    2. Encouragement to create clear documentation of requirements for implementing Hyrax and highlight this on our website; could include flow charts to determine sufficient staffing, funding, and whether it is better to select a vendor or set up your own instance. Questions to answer based on this article: What problem does your project solve? How is the project architected, and why is it done that way? Is this a technically well-designed solution that has potential, thus worth investing time in? How do I get a taste of it? How quickly can I get some value out of it?

    3. Heather will work with working groups to refine these suggestions and make plans for how they could be implemented.

    4. Next activity to be scheduled shortly, Heather can facilitate (technology “list of dreams”)

    5. More valuable to do this activity per technology. Can target previous invitees and ask them who else might participate in their technologies.

    6. Are we limiting this activity of we’re doing it per product? Could we do it for Samvera writ large for “a repository solution”?

    7. Do we want to even limit ourselves to repos? Can we bring our expertise and skills to other parts of library technology? What could we do as a community for some other solutions. Other areas where there are pain points and not good solutions! Definitely we should do this to talk beyond repos.

    8. Doing the broader activity ahead of connect will allow for a really interesting samvera connect presentation.

  6. Samvera motto / “African proverb”

    1. We still have “if you want to go fast go alone if you want to go far go together” on our website.

    2. This is awkward and problematic; what should we do?

    3. We like the sentiment. It does predate the name change and now we have a name that means togetherness. Could scrap it. Maybe do a new motto? Will direct to the Marketing WG for brainstorming motto.

  7. Paper or joint statement on Samvera and digital preservation

    1. Suggested as a response to the ITHAKA report

    2. This could be an article that would also hold weight with decision makers.

    3. Can we be more proactive vs reactive with our white papers? That is tough to do.

    4. Can we rewrite/update the state of Samvera technology white paper? This is an awkward timing.

    5. Would it be useful to write about why valkyrization is important, why did we do this work.

    6. The structure of the paper is there, and it might not take that much to update some of it, a version 2.0. This is the easier path forward.

    7. Who can work on this? When should it be completed? – Will take to the Roadmap Alignment Group.

  8. Updates

    1. Don’t forget about upcoming deadlines for Samvera Connect session CFP

    2. Valkyrization community sprint – great signup already, planning going well

    3. Partner payments

    4. Julie Allinson Award – committee meets on the 30th for selection

  9. Misc

    1. Hyku updates: Hyku for Consortia are getting a lot of requests for information from other consortia, high interest in getting involved, running their own Hyku.


Items for next Partner call:

Date of next meeting: September 23rd


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