SG monthly call 22 February 2019
SG monthly call 22 February 2019
Julie AllinsonChris Awre(apologies)- Carolyn Caizzi
- Jon Dunn (Chair-Elect)
Mike Giarlo(apologies)- Richard Green (Chair)
- Rosalyn Metz
- Robin Ruggaber
John Weise(apologies)
- Changes to Agenda
- Group status checks
- Partner call
- There were no matters arising from the Partner call
- Updates
- SG received updates on the work of the Fundraising WG and the Phase 2 Contribution Model WG
- SG received updates on the work of the Fundraising WG and the Phase 2 Contribution Model WG
- Partner call
- Other status checks (mainly a checklist for tracking purposes)
- Updates were received about:
- Changes to the Samvera wiki's Community Structure page - these changes to the "Partners" section were approved and will be implemented
- A formal GDPR statement for Samvera - in progress
- Samvera 2018 Annual Report - in progress
- Changes to the Samvera Partners' Memorandum of Understanding to reflect the new governance structure - in progress, awaiting legal approval
- Partner changes: Alberta has withdrawn from Partnership (taking a different technical direction) and two new Partners are pending.
- SG contribution to April Partner meeting
- Finding a "backup" fiscal sponsor in case DuraSpace could no longer continue in this role - in progress
- Proposals from URI Selection WG - awaiting further information from URI WG
- Potential website updates - in progress
- Creating an up-to-date list of active WGs and IGs - in progress
- Role description for a potential Community Manager position - under discussion
- Ensuring continuity and knowledge transfer in Samvera's Community provision - under discussion
- Possible offer of host for Connect 2021 - to be pursued
- Updates were received about:
- Possible change to Steering Group Bylaws for 2019/2020
- Propose wording to make it clear that 2/3 of active Partners must cast a vote in any election to Steering in order for the process to be valid.
- Propose wording to make it clear that 2/3 of active Partners must cast a vote in any election to Steering in order for the process to be valid.
- Possible repository for Samvera Connect presentations etc
- Generally agreed to be a good idea. Further discussion about possible ways to do this.
- Generally agreed to be a good idea. Further discussion about possible ways to do this.
- Samvera accounts for 2018
- Brief discussion of the accounts to be presented in the 2018 Annual Report
- Brief discussion of the accounts to be presented in the 2018 Annual Report
- Request to contribute to a survey on "Mapping Scholarly Infrastructure"
- We will take part in this survey albeit very long and detailed
- We will take part in this survey albeit very long and detailed
- Date of next call
- Friday 22 March
, multiple selections available,
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