SB monthly call 23 April 2021

SB monthly call 23 April 2021


  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair-elect)

  2. Esmé Cowles

  3. Hannah Frost

  4. Kevin Kochanski  Regrets

  5. Brian McBride

  6. Rosalyn Metz (Chair)

  7. Alicia Morris 

  8. Simeon Warner 

  9. John Weise 

  • Heather Greer Klein


Agenda and notes

  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Status checks

    1. CoC – Community Safety Response document full draft in review – will share draft doc with this group. Doc is open for comment from the Safety WG through Tuesday. Next working group meeting in May 6th.

    2. Observations from Partner Meeting and Virtual Connect

      1. no to-dos noted from Partners meeting for this call

      2. Heather will present the logic model in a future Board meeting

    3. Roadmaps Alignment Group (regular status check item) ---

      1. Discussed the distinction between future looking and backwards looking information and planning based on Partner features work.

      2. The Group has potential to contribute more coordination between Hyrax/Hyku/Avalon.

      3. Code reclamation is also on the agenda for this group.

      4. What’s adoption like of Hyrax outside of partners? Who is adopting and not contributing code? What value does Hyrax have beyond the partners?

      5. For partners who aren’t driving development, what contributions could they make? Roadmapping can help with that but there is a lot of communication and outreach to feel welcome that goes along with that.

      6. Can the group distill their collected information for Partners and share it? Allow a chance to identify additional opportunities for collaboration. Heather will ask the group to present at a partner meeting and distill what they have learned.

    4. Invoicing for Partners

      1. Invoices going out from OASIS

    5. Next steps for fiscal sponsorship

      1. Coordinating meetings and outlining work with LYRASIS and OASIS

      2. Quarterly financial reports received from LYRASIS; will share with fundraising and finance committee

    6. Developer Support & Engagement update – document for collecting input on barriers to contribution

      1. This group will give a distillation and bring potential solutions

      2. A sense from small developer teams not understanding how to contribute or if contribution outside the sprint is even wanted or a good idea. Can plan to address this with the WG work.

      3. How to fill the need for training? Training is a huge ask no matter what. Is there a way of figuring out how to pay for that? Will get input from this group.

      4. Do we have a way to monitor who is new in the dev community? Who needs the training? Some sort of regular message – are you new and looking for training?

        1. Will send an interest form for the summer newcomer dev congress after the May dev congress

      5. Samvera carpentry – a way for recent newcomers to teach. Look at that option and what resources it would take, what have other communities done?

        1. Alicia will ask staff about carpentries.

    7. SEO for wiki

      1. The only way to increase visibility for a public cloud-hosted Confluence is time. Old wiki likely still getting Google priority.

      2. Heather will ask LYRASIS to make access to the old wiki spaces require a login. Existing community members will still be able to access with their credentials. Heather will send a message to Partners first.

    8. Annual report ---goal to get out the end of April/beginning of May

  3. Fundraising and finance committee 

    • Treasurer for 2 year term - Alicia Morris

    • Additional member – Simeon Warner

  4. BPL request to reclassify their size for the contribution model

    • Board voted to Reclassify to Small based on Partner’s information.

    • Make sure the contribution model is available on the wiki

    • Need to revisit the model ahead of 2022 and see if it needs modification

  5. New Partner recruitment

    1. Discussed when and how to start the process

  6. Misc

    1. Building community in France – EHSS experience

      1. Will ask OAISIS what help they could give us when it comes to exploring global reach

Next partner call: share finance committee members; make call for Board elections; LYRASIS wiki change

Date of next meeting: May 28th

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