SG monthly call 28 June 2019

SG monthly call 28 June 2019


    • Julie Allinson
    • Chris Awre 
    • Carolyn Caizzi 
    • Jon Dunn  (Chair-Elect)
    • Mike Giarlo (apologies)
    • Richard Green  (Chair) (apologies)
    • Rosalyn Metz 
    • Robin Ruggaber 
    • John Weise (apologies)


  1. Changes to Agenda

  2. Group status checks
    1. Partner call
      OR recap.  Brian McBride will be organizing Samvera Connect Partner meeting.  Needs a co-chair. Visioning process was mentioned.
    2. Roadmap Council
      Survey results have not been analyzed. 
    3. Fundraising WG
    4. Phase 2 Contribution Model WG
      Steering has a draft of the WG report - feedback has been added.

  3. Other status checks
    1. GDPR statement
    2. Backup fiscal sponsor
    3. URI selection WG
    4. Update: Discussion in MIG. Proposal for steps to implement.  Julie will send the steps to implement so Steering can review and offer a course of action.
    5. Connect 2019
      1. Discussions with WashU
      2. Program Committee
      3. Sponsorship
        We have a platinum sponsor, work continues to attract additional sponsors
      4. Anti-harassment policy
        Review in progress
      5. Steering elections
        NTR yet - vote closes 8/1
      6. Temporary Community Support role
        Prtoceeding as planned
  4. Product Owner for Hyrax - see June 24 message to -partners, -community, and -tech: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/samvera-community/ZHho2A900MA
    1. Need additional Steering call to discuss this.  Resourcing calls should be amplified by Steering going forward. 
  5. Samvera MOU assignment from DuraSpace to LYRASIS
    1. Issue: Change in fiscal year.  Arrange specific call with LYRASIS to discuss asap.
  6. Permanent position
    1. Insufficient time to discuss.  Extend next call (all future calls?) to allow more discussion time.
  7. Date of next meeting
    1. Friday 26th July 8.30am PT, 10.30am Central, 11.30am ET, 4.30pm UK (Edit: agreed this should start 30 minutes earlier - 8.00am PT etc)
    2. Successful new Steering appointments to be invited

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