SG Winter Retreat 27-28 January 2020

SG Winter Retreat 27-28 January 2020


  • Julie Allinson
  • Chris Awre (joined remotely)
  • Carolyn Caizzi
  • Jon Dunn  (Chair)
  • Hannah Frost
  • Rosalyn Metz 
  • Robin Ruggaber
  • Simeon Warner
  • John Weise
  • Richard Green

Entries in the agenda below are intended only as a brief summary.

Discussion topics

  1.  Staffing / personnel
    1. Community Manager job and funding for same
      1. Go/ no-go (financial model) Go, subject to some clarifications from Lyrasis and other negotiations.
      2. Lyrasis proposal from June 2019: Erin Tripp's message and attachment from June 19
      3. Making sure funding is in place from day one
      4. Approx timeline for recruitment, interview, appointment if it's a "go"
        TBD - need to communicate process to Partners as soon as we have it fleshed out
      5. Suggest the Notre Dame appointment system?
        Yes. Search committee to be set up.
    2. Tech coordinator - status check
      Can't afford this at the moment.
    3. Hyrax PO
      In hand. Hope to have an appointment by the Partner meeting at the end of April.

  2. Partners
    1. Result of Partner ballot - any discussion needed?
      1. Bylaw update 31/31 in favour
      2. CMWG recommendations 28/31 in favour, none against; 3 abstentions
      3. Five Partners did not vote.
        Follow up with those who did not vote.
    2. How to manage mergers, take overs, contracted services vs full partnerships.
      Largely deferred. 
    3. Relationship with Lyrasis
      Discussions to be arranged with Lyrasis.
    4. Active/inactive Partners
      See 2(a)iii
    5. New Partners to invite?
      Ideas gathered for some who might be invited.
    6. Partner prospectus and related matters
    7. How to encourage/help service providers to recruit for participation (and, eventually, Partnership)

  3. Funds, fundraising and resources
    1. Specific list of contacts for software resourcing calls?
      Pass to Roadmap Council.  Set up a list initially with Partner primary contacts and ask RC to add other names
    2. Review of Finance subcommittee bylaws
      Steering to take another look and then pass to Partners for a 'lazy consensus' vote.
    3. Fundraising 2020
      1. how to tie in with Contribution Model - esp phasing
        Pass to fundraising team
      2. Process? Lyrasis role? Tie-in ? with Fedora fundraising
        Potentially complicated - seek a discussion with Lyrasis
      3. Fundraising WG 2020
        Get this set up but call it a 'team' not a WG.
    4. Annual Report 2019 - esp how to deal with finances
      Report finances over the calendar year but note the audited figure at 31st July.
      Ideas offered for case studies
    5. Fiscal sponsor 2020/21
      Deferred until detailed discussions with Lyrasis.
    6. Spending plan 2020/21 → budget 2020/21
      1. inc marketing budget
        Nothing known that we haven't planned for.  No specific marketing budget agreed.
    7. Sloan approach - status check
      1. Two-page document - should Fulcrum be added to the grants total?
      2. Covering letter

  4. Governance
    1. Need to consider the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
      Does not directly affect us.
    2. 'It takes a village' assessment - discussion
      Undertake an exercise with Partners and our various core groups to see what they think.
    3. Code of Conduct follow-up?
      Unclear where we are with this.  Follow up.
    4. Governance assessment WG - status check
      WG has met and is progressing this.

  5. Miscellaneous
    1. Encouraging attendance at, and contributing to, Connect conferences
      1.  Historical statistics
      2. Connect 2020 - proposed change to 'traditional' layout in order to accommodate Hallowe'en - Approved
        1. Chair of program committee - Chair identified.  Suggestions offered for the CfP process.
      3. Connect 2021 - possible layouts for the week here for comment
        Approved version 3
    2. How to encourage/help service providers to recruit for participation (and, eventually, Partnership)
    3. Virtual Connect 2020
      Several people to be contacted in order to progress this.
    4. Guidelines for grant applications
      Take a first stab at this based on IIIF practice.
    5. Partner Meeting April 2020
      Possible co-chairs identified to be approached
    6. Table at Code4Lib
      Go ahead. Coordinator identified.
    7. Mission statement - status check
      Raising with Marketing WG 2/05/2020
    8. Do we continue to reference/push Fedora on the (front page of the) website
      Need to consider this carefully and involve Fedora in any changes.
    9. Samvera repository - status check.  Please do not share the temporary URL.
    10. The Marketing Working Group have requested Steering do a sanity check on the website 'sustainablility' page
      Deal with by email.

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