SB notes 24th June 2022

SB notes 24th June 2022



  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair)

  2. Esmé Cowles (Chair-elect)

  3. Hannah Frost

  4. Harriett Green

  5. Nabeela Jaffer

  6. Brian McBride

  7. Rosalyn Metz

  8. Alicia Morris 

  9. Simeon Warner  - regrets, on vacation


  • Heather Greer Klein

Agenda and notes

  1. Sustainability funding discussion for Partners

    1. Draft - Summary of the Diversifying Samvera’s Income Streams Activity at the Spring 2022 Partner Meeting

    2. Do the next steps make sense? Should we follow up in another way?

    3. For identifying new revenue streams, Laurie and Megan recommend Understanding Financial Resource Models activity. When / where would we do this activity?

    4. Need a group to select 1-2 items to propose. Could base on clarifications based on ITAV technology activities.

    5. Need to know what we are doing from the tech perspective to determine priorities for fundraising. Will do those activities first.

  2. Research Data WG Charter update @Brian McBride

    1. Will get a message out to community and to those who expressed interest

  3. ITAV activity poll – results and next steps

    1. Technology Stakeholders: Does the Shoe Still Fit? --selected to go first; ask LYR to facilitate. Product owners, some board members. ACTION make a list of potential people to participate; reach out to Megan about who should participate. PO and tech leads for Avalon, Hyrax, Hyku.

    2. List of Dreams – selected to go after above. Get doc from Megan.

    3. Top resources result:

      1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/103aijyRIosryQMncgsgqY8Ko9tL8QnyjSxZeGLNpQ5M/edit?usp=sharing

      2. get clarity on the tech first. Hard to make a compelling case about adoption when we need to address critical issues.

  4. Hyrax blacklight and bootstrap, and valkyrization work remaining

    1. Blacklight/bootstrap/rails work: aiming for a release candidate today if things work out like they seem to be. I think all specs are finally passing, we have a stable branch to continue supporting 3.x, and the big step is the PR to merge the bl7boot4rails6 branch back into main: Upgrade to Blacklight 7, Bootstrap 4 and Rails 6.0 by dlpierce · Pull Request #5730 · samvera/hyrax Any eyes the Board can add to this review will be helpful.

      1. See the Hyrax Maintenance WG board, tickets labeled bootstrap 4 dev congress

    2. Valkyrization work needs a community sprint to move forward

      1. What are UCSB, UCSD working on and can they make a commitment

      2. ACTION organize a community sprint – talk to Daniel and Julie. Ask for task-based issues. Individualized messaging to ask about participation.

  5. OR2022 and Code4Lib reflections

    1. Both good in different ways. Talked to organizers about lessons learned. Lowered prices because it wasn’t worth it. Attendance at both was low, as expected.

    2. Some technical issues with hybrid presenters. Various technical problems with mics, presenting laptops, etc., etc.

    3. Lots of interest in our code-of-conduct presentation.

    4. Three Hyku presentations, all well-attended, lots of questions and interest. Good look to have a diversity of presenters, not just vendors and program staff like (e.g.) DSpace.

    5. SWORD protocol looking for an institutional home


  6. Hyrax Product Owner

    1. Julie met with both candidates separately and together.

  7. Updates

    1. Alex Dunn is the Product Owner now for Valkyrie.

    2. Partner payments – 16 invoices paid

    3. Catalog of open infrastructure services – submitted

    4. Hyrax Tech Lead announcement --once we get the contract in place, Carolyn will send.

    5. Connect 2022: what day does Board want to meet? Early breakfast meeting on Monday or Tuesday or after Partners meeting on Wednesday PM during workshops?

      1. Lunch on Wednesday

    6. Connect 2023

      1. Heather needs help finding a location

    7. Julie Allinson Award – nomination call is out


Items for next Partner call: n/a

Date of next meeting: July 22nd


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