SB notes 28th October 2022

SB notes 28th October 2022



  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair)

  2. Esmé Cowles (Chair-elect)

  3. Hannah Frost

  4. Harriett Green

  5. Brian McBride

  6. Rosalyn Metz

  7. Alicia Morris 

  8. Simeon Warner  regrets


  • Heather Greer Klein


  1. Connect 2022 debrief

    1. Good program, a lot of chat in slack but not questions for speakers. How can we get more questions to the speakers? Can be awkward for the presenter.

    2. BoF was helpful but not a ton of participation in some sessions. Facilitation is important, and having questions prepared for the group. Might want to pre-create some questions next time and then ask for volunteers.

    3. average 100 live attendees each day, over 200 registered, already 83 views on the video of the first day.

    4. Keynote was great! Discussion was great, very participatory.

    5. people are burned out on online stuff

  2. Nurax hosting migration from DCE

    1. Quick turnaround expectation is concerning. Could we pay for a period of time to make sure we can move it, see if they will give us another six months? Heather will send a note today. Also ask how much time they spend on nurax, how much time they spend.

    2. Need to plan for centrally managing it. Not hosting at an institution to avoid related complications.

    3. Could OASIS help with this, or do they get an AWS discount?

    4. Frequent automatic deployment is an important component

  3. Github analysis (Esme)

    1. Ubiquity purchased: De Gruyter and Ubiquity join forces

    2. More individuals and organizations are contributing

    3. Lost a major contributor this year due to new job

  4. Reaching out to new AD at UCSB

    1. Rosy can lead this, with help from Heather and Esme

  5. Roadmap Alignment Group update (standing item)

    1. Nothing to report

  6. Rescheduling November and December meetings. Board Retreat. Annual Budget in early Nov.

    1. Alicia will ask Cathie about a preliminary budget ahead of meeting next Friday

    2. December 2nd at usual time for nov/dec meeting

    3. 1 or 2 day, 2 hour sessions in January – 3-5 eastern on the 26th, extend meeting to 2 hour on the 27th

  7. Other Updates

    1. Board election – deadline to confirm is Nov 1; will start election when the candidate bio/statements are in

    2. List of dreams activity items

      1. Already have a few volunteers to investigate ideas further

    3. Heather at All Things Open conference first part of next week; on vacation Nov 15-17

    4. Going to set up a meeting with AWS about reference architectures week of November 14th (thanks Rosy!). Who else would be helpful on that call?

      1. AWS higher ed are creating reference architectures, and they want to talk to us about what Samvera needs. Working on a DSpace reference implementation. Don’t want them to do it without a touch point with the community

      2. Need to know what this is, what we do, high level overview of the technologies, who is in the community. Helpful to have tech leads and/or product owners on the call.

      3. want to have roadmap group involved, and need to get a better idea of what their goal is at AWS

      4. Data migrations and upgrades are a pain point they need to know about as well.

    5. Partner payments - still six remain, represent $47,000. Heather will follow up.

Date of next meeting: Dec 2nd