SB monthly call 23rd July 2021
Carolyn Caizzi (Chair-elect)
Esmé Cowles
Hannah Frost
Kevin Kochanski
Brian McBride
Rosalyn Metz (Chair)
Alicia Morris regrets
Simeon Warner
John Weise
Heather Greer Klein
Jeremy Friesen
Harriett Green
Changes to the agenda
Electing a chair-elect for this next year, starting in August.
Welcome and introduction
Status checks
OASIS transition
All funds transferred
Planning a Finance Subcommittee meeting in August
Working on getting a purchasing card
Partner contributions
17 paid ($116,125)
13 still to pay ($76,500)
1 still to be invoiced
Roadmaps Alignment Group (regular status check)
Partner call presentation
Will ensure a rotation for Interest Group representatives, and ensure a Repository Management representative
Connect 2021 Program committee
Request for Sched $599 – “plus” tier nonprofit cost which mitigates issues from last year
Request for funds up to $500 for keynote speaker
We need keynote speaker suggestions, t-shirt design ideas, additional committee members
CfP are open; workshops we want to have in place in time for registration opening
No concerns, both are passed
CoC – Community Safety
Response Plan, Volunteer Structure, and Glossary complete
Call for Helpers and Response team members, with improved wiki documentation, coming 1st week in August
Technology funding request
Google voice $10/month
Zoom $150/yr/license beginning August, to replace Heather’s current license via Emory ahead of moving employment to OASIS Open
Both are passed without objection
New Partner recruitment status check
Proposal for developer maintenance hour pledge drive 2022
This is about sustainability: building expertise, making sure that the things we rely on are maintained
Require an orientation week for those who are not up to speed on Samvera
Make it clear that tech leadership will determine work based on the individuals who are available in each Section – there is maintenance work at all levels that can be planned once we know who will be available when
Could an institution also pay for hours from a service provider?
Should also consider bounties for large maintenance needs, other features in future
Performance review for Heather via Emory University process
Items for next partner call:
Date of next meeting: August 20th