2023-09-22 Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes


@Karen Cariani

@Esmé Cowles

@Jeremy Friesen - regrets

@Jessica Hilt -regrets

@Kirsten Leonard -regrets

@Brian McBride

@Alicia Morris

@Robin Ruggaber -regrets



@Heather Greer Klein

@Carolyn Caizzi - last half hour


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Connect updates: attendance, posters, budget, other preparations

    1. 60 registered as of today; deadline for hotel room reservations is Sept 29th

    2. Concentra working with hotel to reconfigure/reduce room usage to make room for another event; this will increase their bookings and reduce our minimums. More details about budget available after Monday meeting.

    3. 6 lightning talks, 3 posters (could be converted to lightning talks)

    4. Free 20 person tour of Science History Institute on Wednesday; can gauge interest in an additional historical walking tour as well ($30)

    5. Next week: finalize plenary day schedule, confirm IG&WG updates, State of Samvera draft, messages to registrants and presenters

    6. Why do we think the numbers are low? Covid, travel budget restraints, more conferences competing, less travel interest overall, managers have more travel funds for more conference attendance. Needs to be on the Partner meeting agenda to discuss how this should impact events going forward. Can we attach Connect to another conference? Or for another joint purpose? Or do we need something that is a working meeting, three days of dev congress and partner and board meeting with a community update, but not a conference?

  3. Partner meeting agenda preparation, ordering agenda

    1. Samvera Development fund proposal

    2. Dev fund and technical leadership funding tension/approaches for 2024

    3. How to identify PO and tech lead for Hyrax as early as possible

    4. Want to make sure we’re talking about making decisions and how to make sure the prioritization is matching the work being done

  4. IOI Infrastructure Services Tool

    1. Asked to contribute Hyku, and give feedback on the form

    2. Would like it by mid-October; Heather can make a draft and share

  5. 2023 Digital Infrastructure Insights Fund RFP

    1. Due October 1, which might be too soon

    2. Our proposal could be framed as implementation of recommendations from this previous research: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Av6FdegUJlm_o3i1vDoTTgGP5mtfj41z/view Development fund as a way for user institutions to “contribute back in ways the project needs, not just what you need; help with ‘boring’ tasks;
      minimize the work needed to get and spend donations; give unrestricted funds.” Heather is going to take a crack at this.

    3. Getting 20 developers together for a week isn’t as inclusive as it seemed at the time. Paying people in professional roles could be a better way of moving this, and paying for time from consultancies and work from institutions. Very few people have capacity to volunteer to do our large volunteer leadership roles.

    4. Organic community growth isn’t as inclusive as we think – this is a topic for a session! Inclusiveness comes with some awkwardness, and that comes out of the process of being inclusive.

  6. Community survey draft (Heather and Jessica)
    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a-LGY6XY6FU54_xw1OcOwVKW2N4hdluXkjkRWvYcFEI/edit?usp=sharing - Jessica will add some questions about what in person time could look like in the future. Quick outline based on a survey recently at UC tech. Want insight into what programming the community wants to see. Could help with virtual connect as well as what people want to see from us in the next year. Workshops, webinars, demos, etc. are other possibilities. How can we ask about why people are interested? researcher interest, leadership priority, directives locally, personal interest?

  7. Other Updates

    1. Samvera EU meeting

      1. about 30 registered, 25 attended. BL is very actively recruiting other UK orgs to their shared repository. Helpful conversations from CoSector & Dan Fields about Valkyrization.

      2. Open research integration ideas

    2. Board election post-Connect seats: Esḿe, Alicia, Brian

    3. Samvera.org website work: potential pro bono Contentful headless CMS account

    4. Possible stipend from ITAV piloting

    5. Roadmaps Alignment Group update: white paper planning, PO and Tech lead recruiting

    6. Partnership check

    7. Valkyrization Sprint retro notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_hpEexopn2Xppmd8xLQ3iZI97Sz45DhyNWNKVlon8ZI/edit

    8. Invoicing 2023

  8. Date of next Board meeting: at Connect October 26th, 1:15 - 2:30pm