SG Winter Retreat 24-25 January 2019
SG Winter Retreat 24-25 January 2019
- Julie Allinson (On-line)
- Chris Awre (On-line)
- Jon Dunn (Chair-Elect)
- Mike Giarlo (On-line)
- Richard Green (Chair)
- Rosalyn Metz
- Robin Ruggaber
- John Weise
- Carolyn Caizzi
- Short items
- GDPR document for Samvera - status check
- In progress, draft soon
- Potential Partners status check
- Two potential Partners being shepherded through the process - ongoing, but close
- University of Alberta - request to withdraw from Partnership
- Accept UA's resignation (they are taking a different technology path) but keep in touch
- Revised Partner Memorandum of Understanding - status check
- New wording agreed to reflect new governance
- Formal amendment document will be written up and legally checked
- DuraSpace/Lyrasis merger
- SG noted the merger (we had confidential prior notice) but this will have no immediate impact on our relationship with DuraSpace
- Update from Fundraising WG
- Concentrating on three tasks: guidance for the 2019 fundraising appeal to existing Partners and supporters; making a recommendation on whether Samvera should seek sponsorship for Connect - and if so, how; how to target potential donors of large sums successfully
- 2018 Annual Report
- This needs to be completed asap to help the work of the Fundraising WG. Process discussed.
- Attendance at Partner meetings - who should be there?
- Discussion of who would usefully be represented in addition to Partners in order to inform Partner discussions
- We used to have (but have stopped) a developer congress alongside Partner Meetings and Connect. Revisit the pros and cons?
- Take this discussion to Partner Meeting in April
- Identifying a "backup" fiscal sponsor that we could rely on if, for instance, DuraSpace were unable or unwilling to continue in this role.
- A number of options will be explored
- URI Selection Working Group predicate hosting
- WG are requesting resources - contact them about getting a fuller picture
- GDPR document for Samvera - status check
- Securing Samvera's future
- Multi- hour discussion about possible strategies to ensure stability, sustainability and solidity of both the community and the codebase, including:
- Might a full-time tech employee have as part of his/her responsibilities the maintenance of a turnkey Hyrax - a VM or Docker install, perhaps? Potential adopters would welcome something to "play with" locally.
- Yes - and with a relatively small of work we could probably do it now. Needs to have lots of caveats around not being a production-ready example, need for local adaptation etc. Actively investigate.
- Might they also maintain a Hy* instance to host all our past Connect materials? We should be seen to use our own software
- Yes - and, again, it would take relatively little resourcing. Actively investigate,
- Resourcing and maintaining the codebase, especially in light of the Hyrax resourcing call.
- Long discussion about approaches to this. A number of ideas will be investigated.
- Long discussion about approaches to this. A number of ideas will be investigated.
- What is the goal of Samvera's marketing efforts?
- Getting information to decision makers about what Samvera is and does, and why they should be part of it. Wider awareness and adoption is a definite goal.
- Connect 2019 program - SG input?
- A strand of "blue sky thinking topics" might broaden the event's appeal. Pass idea to Program Committee when formed.
- A strand of "blue sky thinking topics" might broaden the event's appeal. Pass idea to Program Committee when formed.
- HykuDirect site transfer from DuraSpace
- As agreed in discussions with DuraSpace, Samvera should take over responsibility for enquiries about Hyku Direct (which service they have decided not to offer)
- Should we have an "organizational" roadmap as well as a technical one? What does it look like?
- Mission and vision comes first: make it an item for Partner meeting in April.
- Mission and vision comes first: make it an item for Partner meeting in April.
- Might a full-time tech employee have as part of his/her responsibilities the maintenance of a turnkey Hyrax - a VM or Docker install, perhaps? Potential adopters would welcome something to "play with" locally.
- Multi- hour discussion about possible strategies to ensure stability, sustainability and solidity of both the community and the codebase, including:
- Community matters
- Steering "issues" that we should think about
- Extensive discussion in support of succession planning beyond summer 2019
- A number of strategies discussed for ensuring institutional knowledge and community involvement capacity is not lost because of potential personnel changes. Key strategies being investigated, including...
- Investigate temporary external funding for a Community Manager post and urgently develop job descriptions etc to support this.
- Steering was never intended to steer and this causes confusion. Should we seek a name change?
- In some senses Steering does Steer (if not in others). Keep the name but be more transparent about Steering's work, viz...
- Publish overview notes from meetings starting immediately
- Seek agenda suggestions from each Partner call
- Extensive discussion in support of succession planning beyond summer 2019
Partners and Community
- To-dos for April 29-30 Partner Meeting
- Selecting facilitator(s) - a number of people will be approached
- Agenda topics - SG will add a number of items to the agenda suggestions
- Encouraging attendance - SG will reach out via personal contact to try and have more people attend in person; making provision for remote participation by those who can't
- Wiki Community Framework page
- Making Roles and Responsibilities a selling point
- New draft text written for the Adopter and Partner section. After minor tweaks this will be adopted.
- Working and Interest Groups
- Roadmap Council suggestion of a standard summary box for WG landing pages adopted - template will be provided.
- Steering will review active/non-active WGs and update the wiki lists - part of a Community Manager role as and when
- Making Roles and Responsibilities a selling point
- To-dos for April 29-30 Partner Meeting
- Steering "issues" that we should think about
, multiple selections available,
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