2024-05-16 Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes

2024-05-16 Board Meeting Agenda & Minutes



@Karen Cariani

@Kirsten Leonard

@Kate Lynch

@Alicia Morris - regrets

@Robin Ruggaber


@tamsin woo


@Heather Greer Klein

@Esmé Cowles


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Special Election next steps

    1. We have one confirmed candidate; another had to decline due to current workload

    2. Will open voting on Thursday with whatever candidates we have. Heather will ask and re-ask a few people before then.

  3. In person Hyrax training

    1. Hyrax training rough estimate: personnel hours $15,000, and the food and other necessities to $3000 = $18,000?

      1. Food seems high, but $15K seems in line with training other conferences

      2. Offer maybe 6 seats with three paid for by Samvera in exchange for MWG commitment

      3. Goal is incentivizing maintenance working group team members. Looking for ways to sustain maintenance.

      4. Offer is to the institution, it is an institutional benefit and institutional commitment. Sustain the knowledgebase for supporting your tools

      5. Heather will put together a proposal to share to with the BOard and then out to the community.

      6. What will we do without a Hyrax tech lead?

        1. Fundraising for maintenance hours

        2. More pressure on the Product Owner, tech call

  4. Other Updates

    1. Invoices are out to Partners

    2. Annual report draft ASAP/early next week

    3. Book chapter with Carolyn - will have out to community reviewers before OR2024

    4. Question about Eclipse PASS integration (Public access submission system)

      1. Have we ever talked about this? Requirement for UVA. Comes from Johns Hopkins. What would the use case be? Deposit system for researchers, and then would go into the repository. DSpace claims integration. We are finishing up SWORD support, or support for whatever it uses to do the handoff.

      2. Princeton is also interested, Esme will follow up to see what the integration mechanism is and Robin will write a ticket

  5. Date of next Board meeting: June 14th - Heather out, will need a notetaker - @Kirsten Leonard

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