SB monthly call 29th October 2021

SB monthly call 29th October 2021



  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair)

  2. Esmé Cowles (Chair-elect)

  3. Hannah Frost

  4. Harriett Green

  5. Nabeela Jaffer

  6. Brian McBride regrets

  7. Rosalyn Metz

  8. Alicia Morris 

  9. Simeon Warner 


  • Heather Greer Klein


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Welcome Nabeela!

  3. Template letter review for Partner leadership changes

  4. Technical coordinator role discussion

    1. Existing role description: can’t track it down. Richard might have it, Heather will reach out. Jon couldn’t find it either.

    2. Grant project Hyrax-focused role has elements of a broader role but is more of a project manager

    3. What to discuss as a board vs bring to Partners for discussion?

      1. Should start with a needs assessment based on the conversations that we had at Partners

      2. Task a group to do this; put out a call for senior devs and dev managers to form a group for this

      3. what could the tech role do that would make it less of a burden to be the Hyrax tech lead

      4. could this be a working group with roadmaps alignment group? well positioned to add to that group to do the analysis. Need to write a charter for them to work from. Nabeela, Simeon, and Esme will generate this for the roadmaps group to work from – will run by the Board in the next 2-3 weeks to give to the RMA group.

  5. Updating the bylaws

    1. From Partner meeting: changing date to reflect Q4; changing chair term for a chair/vice char/past chair model that preserves knowledge

    2. A copy of current bylaws for adding proposed changes

      1. Keep Chair term to one year, keep former chair on as ex officio for one year if needed, no requirement to be in a partner institution. No restriction on their institution also having a voting seat. Could ask a previous chair back as ex officio if a chair leaves for a non-Samvera institution.

      2. Carolyn will draft change to bylaws, send to board. Heather will share it with oasis. Then it can go to a partner vote.

      3. Q4 is when nominations and elections will happen, with Jan 1 Board start date.

        1. Nominations AND election after Connect, with a jan 1 start date. So we can do info sessions at Connect to get more candidates.

  6. Status checks

    1. Samvera Connect reflections

      1. Closing keynote was great – great to have a keynote. Will keep keynotes.

      2. Smaller conference but good quality and engagement

      3. Lots of people are petering out on virtual conferences. Getting harder and harder to truly get away for them.

      4. Interest in Hybrid sessions in future, but that is a challenge and a big expense. We do have virtual connect every year to fill that need.

    2. Partner Meeting reflections

      1. Breakouts and discussions with Partners were really effective. Enjoyed the conversations and also had good outcomes.

      2. The format works really well, engaging.

      3. Should Partner meetings stay online? Connect is a great opportunity to meet. The Connect meeting could also be hybrid more easily. Open discussions and engagement are easier in person.

    3. Pledge drive

      1. Going well, good hours response but need more institutions involved.

    4. Wings work

      1. Update from Lynette summarized by Simeon:

        • nurax-pg is up and running.  The application shows the homepage and dashboard.  You cannot create any object of any kind at this point, needs default admin set which is required to be able to create a work.

        • Tamsin and Lynette are working to make the MVP functional, but that isn’t there yet.  Lynette plans to deploy the latest changes to nurax-pg and reevaluate the state of the MVP with the latest changes. Will know better when deploy worked out with DCE.

        • If we can get the MVP running, the testers are ready to do the testing next week.  Testing will define issues that are easy to pass off to any developer.

        • There may be some capacity for dev resources next week if we can define the problem in a way to pass off the work to others.  The MVP issues are harder to define and pass to others. It would be really helpful to have some effort from experienced devs who have worked with Valkyrie to help create and review PRs 

        • The plan (hope) is to have some testing done and issues created ahead of the dev congress so that work can be done there.

        • Princeton contribution pushed off to January 2022 due to local priorities, but they do still plan to participate.

        • Emory tried to do a Hyrax upgrade that failed and the ID’ed many issues. They will write tickets and document what failed. First to try to upgrade in this particular way.

    5. Partner contributions

      1. 24 paid ($174,125)

      2. 4 still to pay ($20,000)

    6. Roadmaps Alignment Group (regular status check)

      1. Cross-tech maintenance planning, beginning Section 1 planning for Pledge hours

    7. Finance Subcommittee

      1. preliminary 2022 budget – Heather has added travel request, legal trademark work estimate, recurring costs

        1. Travel is estimates, and it is very hard to estimate travel this year. Keeps it at the budget from last year

    8. Training: seeing interest in what could be a Samvera technology 101 workshop series; will suggest as a working group

    9. New Partner recruitment status check

  7. Misc

    1. January Board retreat – virtual again – Jan 24-25

Items for next Partner call:

Date of next meeting: November 19th

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