SB call notes 30th June 2023
@Esmé Cowles
@Jeremy Friesen -regrets
@Harriett Green
@Hilt, Jessica (Deactivated)
@Kirsten Leonard - regrets
@Brian McBride -regrets
@Alicia Morris
@Robin Ruggaber -regrets
@Heather Greer Klein
@Carolyn Caizzi
Changes to the agenda
Thank you Harriett!!
Heather will open nominations on July 10th, aim to get someone in place for our August meeting
Micah Zeller and Emily Stenberg as the WashU contacts in the interim.
Motto options from the Outreach & Engagement WG
Notes from discussion of top choices: 2023-05-17 Outreach & Engagement notes
Two options; might be useful in different contexts:
Growing Open Technologies Together (shorter, pithier option)
Really liked this option; will discuss via email and let the WG handle the rollout
Collaboratively powering the future of knowledge sharing (good for top of website, annual report, etc)
AWS cost savings plan options
Currently, our costs are twice the expected rate. There is a cost savings plan we could opt into. It would cover Nurax dev, Nurax PG, Nurax stable
Essentially gives a lower per hour compute rate, but with a certain minimum usage for a certain time period. If we use more we have a discounted rate; if we use less we still get billed for the minimum spend rate
A 3 year plan at current rates, with no prepayment puts us at $284 per month; close to our estimate and a 44% savings over current rates
A 1 year plan at current rates, with no prepayment puts us at $403 per month; a 20% savings over current rates
Recommendation is to go with a 3 year plan. The price would be fixed at a 44% discount on the rate we are paying now.
Current engineering is built around NU’s model, so it could be re-engineered with cost savings as the priority if someone else would like to do that work. The current set-up is well tested. Pricing at the 3 year rate is within our plans. Heather will set this up.
Recognition of non-Partner contributors
Suggest moving to next meeting
Open Repositories 2023 debrief
Connect 2023 planning update
Six pre-conference workshops
All proposals accepted, registration will open mid July
Posters and lightning talks remain open
Other Updates
Valkyrization Sprint updates
The CircleCI and IIIF manifest are strengths of the Princeton team, who will be strating their sprint in August
Invoicing 2023
Date of next Board meeting: July 28th