SG monthly call 26 February 2021

SG monthly call 26 February 2021

11am ET


  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair-elect)
  2. Esmé Cowles
  3. Hannah Frost
  4. Kevin Kochanski 
  5. Brian McBride
  6. Rosalyn Metz (Chair)
  7. Alicia Morris 
  8. Simeon Warner 
  9. John Weise 
  • Heather Greer Klein


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Status checks
    1. CoC – Community Safety
      1. Helpers meeting on Monday
      2. Update on activities with CoC consultant, Annalee - 1st meeting was February 15th; reviewing CoC response process outline today
    2. IMLS grant - full proposal ongoing; due March 23

  3. Next steps for fiscal sponsorship
    1. Done – call with LYRASIS, budget template, statement of work signed

    2. To review:
      1. Discuss suggestions for bylaws 
        1. One year term, with a term limit - for treasurer/Chair of finance committee. Annual reappointment with a three year term limit.
      2. Finalize redlined version of bylaws
      3. Finalize recommendation proposal text
      4. Finalize messaging to Partners
    3. Up next:
      1. Will update messaging based on results of the agreement review
      2. Send message to Partners list for lazy consensus on fiscal sponsorship change - 7 days to respond
      3. Send message and ballot to partner primary contacts asking for vote on changes; ideally March 1-March 10th. Need 21 "yes" votes for 2/3 majority
      4. March 16 - CNI presentation
      5. March 23 - OASIS Board is presented with sponsorship to approve 
      6. Once approved: give LYRASIS written notice; pay fee to begin set-up process
      7. Message to community list about new fiscal sponsor
      8. Fundraising letters go out in April 

  4. Hyrax Tech Lead 
    1. The Group discussed how to support all PO and Tech Lead roles and give them the attention given to the Hyrax PO job description, meeting with volunteers, ongoing opportunity to meet with CM and Steering.

  5. Fundraising and finance committee proposal
    1. Finance subcommittee, chaired by Treasurer, with budget responsibilities only
    2. Fundraising goals (inviting new Partners and pursuing outside funding) are handled in regular Steering meeting
    3. Heather takes care of the work of messaging Partners/invoicing and tracking
    4. Fundraising subgroup can be formed if specific tasks call for it
      The Steering Group approved this approach.
  6. Misc
    1. Marketing WG - recommend sponsoring Code4Lib at the Contributor level – Steering approved
    2. Process for approving Heather's travel funds for conference registrations – when travel becomes available, will create a wiki page for planning. In the meantime can attend Code4Lib, other virtual conferences.
    3. Adding Heather as manager on all Google groups – Steering approved
    4. Google Scholar author order indexing issue with Hyrax – to be discussed at the Hyrax Interest Group

Date of next meeting: March 26

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