SB meeting notes 25th March 2022

SB meeting notes 25th March 2022



  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair)

  2. Esmé Cowles (Chair-elect) regrets

  3. Hannah Frost

  4. Harriett Green regrets

  5. Nabeela Jaffer

  6. Brian McBride

  7. Rosalyn Metz

  8. Alicia Morris 

  9. Simeon Warner 


  • Heather Greer Klein


  1. Changes to the agenda

  2. Hyrax Tech Lead

    1. The Board discussed existing interest in the role. No one has formally volunteered but a few institutions have asked questions.

    2. Heather will send message opening to full community, and emphasize the flexibility of the time allotment – 25% is only a minimum.

    3. Will discuss potential for other approaches if we don’t find anyone by the April meeting.

  3. Future fundraising options – starting a discussion

    1. Discussed the need for multiple income streams.

    2. Want to brainstorm ideas with Partners at the Partner meeting

    3. SWOT analysis with partners to lead to a discussion about ideas for overcoming weaknesses and challenges. Will add this activity to the Partner meeting. Rosy could lead the discussion.

    4. 2018 registration fee for Connect was $250, other conferences are much more. Heather will talk to Rick at ND about budget, Connect funding.

  4. Annual Report

    1. Will reduce the size and streamline to just a few pages – an introduction, overview of numbers, and financial report

      1. OASIS Annual report for example of financial report (pages 11-12)

      2. Target release for first week of April

  5. CLAs – do we really need them?

    1. Fedora CLA document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1upgaq5QOT4GwpSpVg4fZoWrTyRQRAm9LPjbfy8Nxli8/edit?usp=sharing

    2. OASIS Open legal counsel says that requiring CLAs is purely a Samvera decision and they have no concerns either way. OASIS team said the document was excellent and they are bringing it to other groups.

    3. Fedora has an official committer status, which Samvera does not.

    4. What is the worst case scenario?

    5. cCLA is more valuable potentially, but is the much more difficult to get signed.

    6. Would this overwhelm our technical reviewers? Seems unlikely this would happen.

    7. Conversation to bring to the larger community. Could we require reviewers only to have cCLAs? Or have a separate team that can merge PRs, and they have CLAs?

    8. Has a university ever come after code submitted in open source? If it isn’t something that can be monetized, they are not interested. The universities would have to get together to say this is code that they own.

    9. Will bring to Partner call for feedback

  6. Letter to University of Michigan’s new AUL

    1. Does the letter look ok to send?

    2. Who besides Rosalyn can/should meet with her? Nabeela will be part of the meeting.

    3. Celebrate and call out specifics of Michigan’s contributions.

    4. Good thing to discuss in the meeting, all the work the team has engaged in and how we value them.

  7. Status checks

    1. Virtual Connect CFP reminder

    2. Samvera Connect 2022 planning update: volunteers needed!!

      1. Also time to start looking for 2023 host – will gather information and add to Partner meeting agenda

    3. Hyrax Valkyrization update: Three areas known not to work are being investigated. Extensive testing happening for both nurax-pg and nurax.

      • Participants: 4 from Princeton, 2 from Indiana, 1 from Cornell (note that is 5 out of 7 from institutions not using Hyrax heavily! Odd)

      • Issues closed: 22, PRs merged: 35

      • Major remaining areas not working (not exhaustive):

        • collection branding (in progress by Jose Blanco at Michigan)

        • collection nesting (in progress by Lynette)

        • derivatives and characterization is partially working for file uploads

      • Testing:

        • Regular working group is doing release testing this week and next over nurax-pg

        • Pre-sprint: 18% passing

        • Now: 35% passing, 26% failing, 39% not yet known

        • Some of the failures are blockers that cause all the remaining tests in an area to fail.

      • Lynette: "We need more efforts like the one that just happened if we are going to see this through. There seems to be a desire for this to succeed, but not the will to provide resources."

      • Can we put out a call for specific work to be done – a defined work plan?

      • Need a meeting to bring together the devs who have been doing the most work, with the board so we can get a better idea of how we can help.

      • ACTION Heather will put together a meeting to talk about how to plan and support – Include Esme, Simeon, Carolyn, Nabeela, Lynette, Julie, potentially other devs.

    4. Partner contribution reminder letters to go out first week of April

    5. Partner participation overview

    6. Dues bylaws change vote update: 10 still need to vote

    7. Roadmaps Alignment Group (regular status check)

    8. ITAV pilot kickoff reminder: Friday, April 15th

    9. Community Guidelines WG update (Hannah)

Items for next Partner call: CLAs question, 2023 Connect host recruiting

Date of next meeting: April 22nd


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