SB monthly call 22nd July 2022

SB monthly call 22nd July 2022



  1. Carolyn Caizzi (Chair)

  2. Esmé Cowles (Chair-elect)

  3. Hannah Frost

  4. Harriett Green regrets

  5. Nabeela Jaffer

  6. Brian McBride

  7. Rosalyn Metz

  8. Alicia Morris regrets

  9. Simeon Warner  regrets


  • Heather Greer Klein


  1. Changes to the agenda

    1. ITHAKA report

      1. Concern the report perpetuates notion of digital preservation as a system that can be implemented.

      2. Missing the context of the implementation – implementation is critical!

      3. Best approach for sharing with the community? Rosalyn will draft a message and send.

  2. Samvera Connect

    1. Potential in person meetings for Dev Congress, Partners

      1. Northwestern is willing to host Partners in person, no formal hotel blocks, but can get a room in our student center and would pay for a breakfast.

      2. Want to poll who would be interested in coming, and what weeks people could travel.

      3. Feel like having a Partners and Board meeting in person is worth it. ACTION Heather will put poll together and send it to Partners.

      4. Is dev congress worth having in person? Will see feelings at tech call.

    2. In person conferences going forward; Connect 2023

      1. Should we have Connect at the same location for a while? Challenging to find a host year to year.

      2. Amount of time taken from Heather could be higher, compared to having a local committee. But there are conference organizing companies (code4lib uses Concentra) and could be less time after the first year.

      3. Can start on this now and have time to work on figuring out if it is feasible and setting it up.

      4. Suggestion of an Interest Group for Conference Management and Planning instead of an annual Planning Committee. Build capacity and knowledge. ACTION Nabeela and Heather will draft a charter.

  3. Valkyrization community sprint

    1. Daniel and Julie are willing to take the lead on a two week sprint (organizing work, leading standups etc)

    2. Possible September 6-16. Should share documentation that is background and introductory materials to help people get up to speed ahead – intro to Valkyrie, overview of work to be done. Thorough review of tickets to make sure they are prescriptive. Heather will work on this with Julie and Daniel.

  4. Reminder: ITAV activity August 10th

    1. Good range of tech folks attending across technologies

  5. Updates

    1. Partner payments – reminder messages going out from OASIS. 12 Partners with open invoices

    2. Julie Allinson Award – deadline currently August 1

    3. Looking for Connect keynotes for October – let Heather know ideas!

  6. Misc


Items for next Partner call: In person Partner meeting in fall or spring

Date of next meeting: August 26th