Samvera Board call notes 28th July 2023



@Esmé Cowles - regrets

@Jeremy Friesen

@Jessica Hilt

@Kirsten Leonard

@Brian McBride - regrets

@Alicia Morris

@Robin Ruggaber



@Heather Greer Klein

@Carolyn Caizzi -regrets


  1. Board special election

    1. One person running so far

  2. Recognition of non-Partner contributors

    1. How do we acknowledge financially-supporting institutions who are not Partners?

      1. What to call them?

        1. Donors or Sponsors, “Financial Sponsorship”

      2. Where to acknowledge them (website, annual report, state of Samvera…)

      3. striking the balance with partnership; keeping this separate from Partners and making it clear it is for $$ donated. “Financial Sponsorship” is one idea for what to call it. Could highlight any other ongoing financial sponsorship we might get through other types of organizations. Could also allow a Partner to be an acknowledged financial sponsor.

      4. Definitely do not want to use “contributors” because there are so many ways to contribute that are not financial

      5. Don’t want to dilute the value of Partnership

      6. Putting it on a different page from Partners, or a link out to a list somewhere separately

      7. Here's ways to sponsor work, community, and development

      8. Could have a page to list ALL the sponsorships each year: event, scholarship, general financial contributions, development fund/community sprint funding

      9. Will have this on our next Board agenda

  3. One Partner indicated they will withdraw next year; Heather will follow up, and David will do an exit interview in the Fall

  4. Connect 2023 planning update

    1. Registration open - 11 registrants so far, but many have said they are in the process of getting approvals

      1. $499 early bird rate, will clarify on the registration page

    2. Budget

    3. No firm sponsors at the moment

    4. Schedule

    5. 3 Scholarship applicants so far; closes August 11th. $1,300 needed to support each award. Hyku for Consortia will cover one. Will ask Partners and others who might sponsor.

    6. Sent to DLF, Code4Lib, and IIIF lists. Others?

    7. Still in process: optional paid walking, trolley, or museum tour (around $25)

    8. Shirts are not included at the moment. Considering adding a design to print on demand, as we did for the online conferences. Board support for this!

    9. Heather will add to website homepage and add note about early bird registration

  5. Other Updates

    1. Heather is cleaning up the in production list, and hopes to have the first 5 columns filled out for all known installations:

    2. Valkyrization Sprint updates - here is the latest update:

      1. Last sprint meeting is Tuesday 3pm ET, handoff meeting to Princeton and Surfliner is next Thursday

      2. Fedora 6 WG will be developing a strategy for building a Fedora 6 connector and developing migration strategies; call out to the community next week

        1. Experiments at Emory and IU have Fedora 6 working with activefedora as a temporary step

    3. The asset transfer agreement we executed with OASIS included transferring ownership of the Samvera domain name, but that transfer was never executed. Heather will work with Scott at OASIS on this, and make sure we can access the domain to make updates etc.

    4. Invoicing 2023 is in good shape

    5. Don’t forget to nominate for the Julie Allinson Award!

    6. Great activity in the Cloud Deployment, Outreach & Engagement, and Dev Onboarding WGs

Date of next Board meeting: August 25th - for next board meeting, discussion item for a formal policy for how we flag things in board meetings that are confidential.