2021-06-15 Meeting and Agenda

2021-06-15 Meeting and Agenda

Jun 15, 2021



@jen young

@Heather Greer Klein

@Nabeela Jaffer


Discussion items





Partners presentation about the results of our work gathering Hyrax feature development information.

  • Presentation at a Partners call (10 min or so?) followed by answering questions from Partners.

  • Possible framing is what we’ve learned about development Past (what do we know has been developed in the Community that could come into the core) and development Future (what do we know about development work that is or isn’t planned by Partners? Where do we see opportunities for collaboration?)

Share what we learned about:

  • Partner use of Hyrax, and any known code reclamation opportunities

  • Known adopter use of Hyrax, and any known code reclamation opportunities

  • Planned feature development this year by Partners: what do we know about Hyrax feature development in the next year?

  • What are the implications for the Community?

    • What do we recommend?

    • What is this group going to do next? (code reclamation, cross-product development coordination?)

@Heather Greer Klein

Review list of partners to reach out to for Roadmaps Alignment

repo managers group has worked on putting together the spreadsheet from the Samvera implementation pages.

 @jen young






Action Items



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