2019-08-20 Meeting Notes and Agenda

2019-08-20 Meeting Notes and Agenda



Mark Bussey

jen young

Jon Cameron

Rob Kaufman

Facilitator: Mark Bussey

Notetaker: jen young


  • Previous Action Items:
    • Resourcing Survey Follow-up
      TODO: Nabeela Jafferwill add graphical summary of responses where available  
    • Follow up email draft  
    • Hyrax Product Owner next steps
      TODO: Julie Allinsonwill circulate the idea of a Hyrax Product team with an single identified PO for a specified term who acts as tie-breaker, but delegating significantly to product team and broader community members.  Hyrax PO proposal
  • New Business:
    • Update at Samvera Connect


  • Follow up email draft with the survey results
    • TODO: Rob Kaufmanwill synthesize results for email.  Will follow up with Nabeela Jaffer
    • What are the next steps? Summarize what features are in progress. Also mention PO turnover and how it might affect the items particularly after the in-progress work is finished.
    • Mention the impact the absence of a Hyrax PO
    • Goal of updated draft by EOD 8/23
  • Update at Samvera Connect
    • Technical State of the Union?
    • Annual - highlight what has happened and what will happen in the near future.
    • Mark Bussey write up draft to start the discussion - contacting Richard 
    • Two updates - one for Partners on Monday, and another for the community
  • Hyrax PO draft discussion at Steering
    • Agreement that it's a lot for one person.
  • Do we need to have a conversation about what the impact is in using Fedora? Particularly in conjunction with Valkyrie development. Performance engineering - what are folks trying to do? Are there other factors than performance? Lot of enthusiasm for Valkyrie in the community - what is the expected outcome? What could be the impact of preservation infrastructure? Hyrax 3 with Wings – what will it deliver and how does it match expectations?

Next meeting:  

Facilitator: Rob Kaufman

Notetaker: Mark Bussey

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