2018-10-22 Meeting Notes and Agenda
2018-10-22 Meeting Notes and Agenda
- To join the Meeting:
https://bluejeans.com/425021847 - To join via Room System:
Video Conferencing System: bjn.vc -or-
Meeting ID : 425021847 - To join via phone :
1) Dial:
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose))
(see all numbers - http://bluejeans.com/numbers)
2) Enter Conference ID : 425021847
- jen young
- Julie Allinson
- Benjamin Armintor
- Rob Kaufman
- Roll Call
- Set Standing Meeting Time
- Doodle polls if helpful - https://doodle.com/poll/k9rdz343r6c644zv & https://doodle.com/poll/rznhm4cfwh6aqd6n (any of these times are usually good for Mark barring travel and conferences)
- Review Hyrax roadmap as a template for other codebases: Hyrax Roadmap
- How to get input to the group
- Group Deliverables
- Roadmap Council will prepare a white paper by mid December
- Describe roles of the group
- Indirectly address some of the issues raised in J.Rochkind's post
- Possible topics
- When should I choose a solution bundle, when should I go it alone
- What kind of technical team do I need - case study
- Renewed focus on road map and core components
- Updated diagram - see https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18rNS1lz7MRapkfU38YwaxzX-pesekQgRJo-KE3RJomY/edit#slide=id.p - Thanks Julie!!!
- Roadmap Council will prepare a white paper by mid December
Meeting Notes
- Electing to defer standing meeting time to doodle owing to absences here
- How does Hyrax roadmap apply to the collective efforts?
- It may be composed from Hyrax/Hyku/Avalon roadmaps?
- Action Item: Jennifer to discuss similarly formatted roadmap for Avalon
- It may be composed from Hyrax/Hyku/Avalon roadmaps?
- Getting input to the RMC group
- Trying to maintain openness to feedback/input
- Maybe have solicited individuals from other WGs on the agenda for the meetings?
- Can we make sure we get a report from RMC members on reporting style of other groups?
- Or maybe do a gap analysis of what we have covered?
- Are the key groups operating under an active charter from Partners? Need to confirm.
- Action Item: Recharter Core Components WG - Ben
- Action Item: Verify other charters
- Jennifer: Spreadsheet to assess active WGs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ElZpK8sKH--Lje0NO8eCSdIVLgUNUrw3iS_JAU2Nuo0/edit?usp=sharing
- December White Paper planning
- Building on components vs building on a solution bundle
- Scope of personnel commitment for each
- Case studies where relevant
- Relationship of core component plans and higher-level (hyrax-y) plans
- Propose a role for the RMC
- Might be more than one paper, or a white paper accompanied by one-pagers, etc
- Difficulty of writing by committee
- Who would otherwise draft (or at least outline) such a paper? Can we break this work up?
- Important early deliverable will be outlining/identifying key topics
- Action item: draft list of topics by late November meeting - Rob
- Action item: establish a biweekly meeting schedule until white paper is composed, to make process less vulnerable to partial outages
- Action item: Will use doodle polls - Julie
- Building on components vs building on a solution bundle
Action Items
- ...
, multiple selections available,
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