2019-09-03 Meeting Notes and Agenda

2019-09-03 Meeting Notes and Agenda



Nabeela Jaffer

Rob Kaufman

Jon Cameron

jen young

Julie Allinson

Mark Bussey

Facilitator: Rob Kaufman

Notetaker: Mark Bussey


  • Previous Action Items:
    • Resourcing Survey Follow-up
      TODO: Nabeela Jafferwill add graphical summary of responses where available  
    • Follow up email draft  
      ACTION: Roadmap council members to review by end-of-week
      ACTION: published next week - link on Roadmap Council page, e-mail to community, tech, and partner list - call to action is to review and be prepared to discuss at Partners Meeting & Connect, immediate questions and comments via e-mail and slack (comments directly on the google doc are discouraged)
      ACTION: follow-up with individuals who specifically committed resources and identify next steps
    • Hyrax Product Owner next steps
      TODO: Julie Allinsonwill circulate the idea of a Hyrax Product team with an single identified PO for a specified term who acts as tie-breaker, but delegating significantly to product team and broader community members.  Hyrax PO proposal -
      Some feedback to-date, mostly refinements to the idea suggesting general agreement
      ACTION: Julie Allinson Rob Kaufman to attend next SIGHAR and promote and refine idea - goal: get clarity around responsibilities, especially if they're spread across multiple individuals

      • Discuss list of folks to potentially reach out to
      • Rob and Tom did a brainstorming session to get the ball rolling here
        • Nabeela Jaffer
        • Hannah Frost
        • Julie Hardesty
        • Paul Walk
        • Kaylee Sprague (Yale)?
        • Gretchen (PALs)
        • Emory?
          ACTION: continue grooming list while finishing the job description, approach folks once the job description is complete
  • New Business:
    • Update at Samvera Connect - we've been asked to provide updates for Partners & Connect

      From Richard Green: If we give you a slot on the Thursday (which I’ve now added to our list of presentations), it will be a full presentation slot – which is to say designed for 20 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q&A, though of course you can split it how you wish.  I’d be very grateful for a couple of sentences to describe the RC presentation asap.  I’ve also added you to the Partner agenda items for ’20-25 minutes’.
      ACTION: Report back to Partners Rob Kaufman Julie Allinson - Hyrax PO, Survey Results, Overall Roadmap, Next Steps
      Partner meeting attendees Rob Kaufman  Nabeela Jaffer (afternoon) / Julie Allinson + Mark Bussey? (will be splitting time with developers)
      Connect attendees Rob Kaufman  Nabeela Jaffer Julie Allinson Mark Bussey jen young Jon Cameron - Mark & Jon can anchor the Thursday presentation, other folks as schedule permits

    • Do we need to have a conversation about what the impact is in using Fedora? Particularly in conjunction with Valkyrie development. Performance engineering - what are folks trying to do? Are there other factors than performance? Lot of enthusiasm for Valkyrie in the community - what is the expected outcome? What could be the impact of preservation infrastructure? Hyrax 3 with Wings – what will it deliver and how does it match expectations?
      Seems useful to try to disambiguate "I'm interested in Valkyrie" - performance, non-Fedora, migrate from Fedora 3.x, other?

      Question: what is Hyrax 3 Breaking? WIIFM
      ACTION: Reach out to Tom Johnson / Wings WG about current trajectory for Wings - Rob Kaufman
    • Roadmap Council  vision statement working group
    • Facilitator & Notetaker for next meeting


  • ACTION: Roadmap council members to review survey e-mail draft by end-of-week
    ACTION: published next week - link on Roadmap Council page, e-mail to community, tech, and partner list - call to action is to review and be prepared to discuss at Partners Meeting & Connect, immediate questions and comments via e-mail and slack (comments directly on the google doc are discouraged)
  • ACTION: follow-up with individuals who specifically committed resources and identify next steps - ? what to do about folks interested in helping but without an active development initiative to plug into - review results for any potential champions/WG leads - Nabeela
  • ACTION: Report back to Partners Rob Kaufman Julie Allinson - Hyrax PO, Survey Results, Overall Roadmap, Next Steps
  • ACTION: Anchor Connect panel (recycle as much of Partner presentation as possible) Mark Bussey Jon Cameron + others as available
  • ACTION: Reach out to Tom Johnson / Wings WG about current trajectory for Wings - Rob Kaufman
  • ACTION: Julie Allinson Rob Kaufman to attend next SIGHAR and promote and refine idea

Next meeting:  

Facilitator: jen young

Notetaker: Jon Cameron

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