2022-06-14 Meeting Notes and Agenda

2022-06-14 Meeting Notes and Agenda


Jun 14, 2022


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  • @Heather Greer Klein

  • @Jon Cameron

  • @Nabeela Jaffer

  • @James Griffin

  • @Juliet Hardesty

  • @Annamarie Klose


Discussion topics







Finding new date/time beginning with August meeting; should we continue to meet, or reconvene in August?


Will take rest of summer off and reconvene in the first week of August at a new time. Will find the new time in Slack on the poll.

Dev Congress update/HMWG


Rails updates for Avalon and Hyrax are both very close to completed!

Dev Congress felt like the labor was focused on the updates.

GitHub Teams update


James has been working off of the Samvera maintenance repo, trying to reorg around the github projects collection. Each core component has a dedicated project. Also milestones for upcoming releases, patch release, minor release, major release. Set of scripts for Ruby gems API, James reimplemented, everyone with the right permissions can push Ruby gems. Working on the teams, pruned them to admins, contributors, emerita (substantial contributions in the past, and could return). James still working on this, some team members in contributors that we have questions about the role. James will contact them to confirm.

GitHub - samvera/maintenance: Organizing repository for the Core Components Maintenance Interest Group.
valkyrie • samvera

James may be interim Valkyrie PO

Development Communication Plan – should this work be held until August


Will put to August

SMIG meetings – documentation


Lack of documentation really impacts implementers. Looking at it in SMIG. OAI overarching issue in metadata community and ResourceSync isn’t being used in the community. Want to provide more standardized documentation. What are the overarching problems when implementing and making changes, and how can we provide more documentation and information. Developer Onboarding WG is also reviewing the Hyrax .io site and if it is what we want to use for documentation.




Action items




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