2019-11-26 Meeting Notes and Agenda
Facilitator: Rob Kaufman
Notetaker: Julie Allinson
Action Items from Retrospective (unprioritized):
- Invite others (like core component P.O.s and Partners) to contribute their roadmaps (ideally via an easy to use template)
- Conduct an experiment in having a specific Chairperson for six months
- Timebox our milestones and deliverables more consistently
- Answer the question: Are roadmaps aligned?
- Conduct a review or survey of existing artifacts and knowledge (related to roadmaps)
- Define where the group has agency or levels of agency
- Create a working, concrete definition of "Roadmap"
- Brainstorm tools to support more direct discussion of roadmaps
- Populate a backlog of action items and goals for the group
- Review and revise our charter as we start the next iteration of the council
Intro from Kate - wants a good sense of community concerns re high profile code bases, and of community over code
Rob - general call for features is not a good idea; but maybe ask for people's 'one' feature; it's likely that that will be Wings
Kate - Trey and Kate are willing to put together a roadmap for Valkyrie
Need a better understanding of grant roadmaps (BL/UVa/Ubiquity – PALNI/PALCI – Oregon Analytics)
Do we need to define "roadmap"? What about tools? Do we want to review tools?
Hyku / Avalon / Hyrax have stayed relatively aligned.
Second pair model - contributing back to the community in project work; when people ask for a feature a second time, then we extract it and make it a gem. Splits the burden of initial development, and community contribution.
Rotating chair - point of contact for the outside world; could help us keep an arc of work going - three monthly cycle aligned with work plan, from January
Lo-Fi survey of roadmaps/plans for next year - from components, partners, projects
Postpone discussion of agency for when nabeela is on the call
Postpone reviewing charter for first meeting in January
Do we need a roadmap council roadmap? visibility to the outside world - this could be part of the chair role, and handed over at the end of the 3 months
Action Items:
- Kate Lynch put together a Valkyrie roadmap
- All: Elect chair for Q1 2020 at next meeting
- Mark Bussey draft text and get samples for roadmaps/plans - DRAFT: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bwycb9hNx7WQAyjqRxqRtwyUtnvIMBfyWyyDO-Y5q1E/edit
- Julie Allinson look at distribution for the survey
Next meeting:
10th December 2019
Facilitator: Julie Allinson
Notetaker: Kate Lynch