2019-01-08 Meeting Notes and Agenda

2019-01-08 Meeting Notes and Agenda



Meeting ID: 688 749 301

Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose))
Global Numbers: http://bluejeans.com/numbers

Room System or bjn.vc


jen young

Julie Allinson

Rob Kaufman

Benjamin Armintor

Jon Cameron

Nabeela Jaffer


Mark Bussey



Jen: White paper—is this better coming from the marketing folks? We're describing the community right now, but now how we fit into the community.

Julie: I feel that this should come out as something written by us, as a professional state of the community and software paper. But we do need something about the roadmap council in it. Something is perhaps missing. You should be able to send this to a senior person to inform about Samvera.

Rob: Marketing copy and sites and blog posts etc. are important, but the idea of the roadmap council looking back, and saying where we're at and where we're going, is important. We should tie how the roadmap council is part of this future at the end, maybe the conclusion. This paper as a declaration of the community. I've heard customers talking about possible turmoil in the community, which makes people nervous. Looking at Samvera as a community, we should be giving something that makes people feel better about the direction of the community. Marketing pitches come from so many places that people a numb to it, but it's different coming from a group like this. Talking about what's upcoming and exciting has value, to the community and to those outside.

Nabeela: I feel like this is 90% done. In the community it's good to collaborate with other groups—that's the spirit of the community too. In a way it seems like we're trying to summarize the community, which is hard. It's our white paper, but the marketing group could take this and run with it.

Julie: The point of if we're doing too much—if we're trying to scope it to the stack, we could reduce a bit of the text about community.

Nabeela: I'm thinking more about what the mission and future of this group is.

Jen: What's our actual goal? I think we need to figure that out a bit. It's not clear to me. How are we coordinating things, what the goal is and how we're supposed to do that work.

Julie: One possibility is—we've got the stuff about the scope of the group. How about a standard agenda? Should we have a slightly more formal structure? This is a valuable group, but not sure exactly what we're going to do. We want to get the white paper finished and have a meeting where we chart out a roadmap for our council's goals for the year. Be transparent about what we're doing.

Rob: One of the values of having this group is not talking about fundraising needs, and this allows us to be more nimble. We can do some of the smaller coordination—could certain teams work together on shared things? A library of work types is a solid example of collaboration. Roadmap council could be making sure that people are connected. Someone pitched me an idea of a central repository of work types.

Julie: Identifying the pain points—that's a good example because it works across multiple groups. Good example of cross-group pain point that we could potentially target.

Rob: I want to be concrete with examples. The same reality exists with import. Getting that really clear makes a lot of sense. The white paper may be slightly outside of this group's charter, but nimble responses to community issues is big for us.

Nabeela: One agenda item next time could be looking over this as a group.

Rob: Another item: taking a look at the charter; does it represent the group as it is now?

Ben: Part of this group came out of the Governance group; this meant to be a central part of the community.

Julie: Aligning roadmaps, facilitating communication: that's what this group is about. I feel like what we're do is working on that in practice. We're really coordinating existing roadmaps, and putting attention on things that might be falling through the cracks. The expectation that I report things back to steering from this group—I'll pass over, so there is a formal route there to steering.

Nabeela: If we modify the charter, do we have to go back to steering?

Ben: The circumstances of the approval of this charter wasn't the same as the approval of working groups. We shouldn't operate on the assumption that the charter for this group is a mutable thing. We can always elect not to meeting if there is no work for this group under the scope of the charter.

Julie: I think there's work to do under the charter. I think refining and adding more detail is what is needed.

Julie: We've hit the point where a single person could go over the white paper and start bringing it together. (Julie volunteers!)

  • Julie will create a copy of the document and start making changes and resolving comments on that.
  • Nabeela will take care of the poll for deciding the time for our next meeting.
  • Julie will share the white paper with steering for their face to face meeting

Next Meeting

  • Looking over the white paper as a group
  • Re-examine the charter; does it represent the group as it is now?
  • Planning session—do we want standing agenda points, pieces of work for the year ahead and Samvera Connect

Facilitator:  TBD

Note taker: TBD

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