2018-12-11 Meeting Notes and Agenda

2018-12-11 Meeting Notes and Agenda



Meeting ID: 688 749 301

Phone Dial-in
+1.408.740.7256 (US (San Jose))
+1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
+1.408.317.9253 (US (Primary, San Jose))
Global Numbers: http://bluejeans.com/numbers

Room System or bjn.vc


Mark Bussey

jen young

Steve Van Tuyl

Nabeela Jaffer

Jon Cameron

Rob Kaufman

Julie Allinson


Benjamin Armintor



  1. Partner meetings:
    1. Partners want RC to show up at partner meetings/calls
    2. In Person:
      1. at least Mark will be at the meeting in April
      2. Nabeela is usually on calls and will be at partner meeting in April
      3. Julie is likely to be at the meeting in April, remotely
  2. Steering asked us to have a single lead for the RC
    1. Julie is on Steering so she'll be the voice to Steering
    2. Technical coordinator is supposed to be the lead for this group, but we don't have that coming any time soon
  3. Next Meeting: January 8
  4. Steve apologises in the notes for leaving Julie off the attendees list
  5. Whitepaper:
    1. Everyone will finish writing by January 5
    2. After that, Julie has someone who will put an editorial eye on the document (turnaround in the week after Jan 5)
    3. After that, Steve, Nabeela, and Jen will find someone to put an eye on the document for content/clarity (turnaround in the following week)
    4. Document ready for prime time by end of January

To Dos:

  • Have a draft done by next meeting

Next Meeting; TBD

Facilitator: Julie Allinson

Note taker: Jon Cameron

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